RBC Heritage

Saturday, June 20, 2020

Tyrrell Hatton

Quick Quotes

Q. Tyrrell, eight birdies today, but what a sweet way to finish, rolling that long one in on 18.
TYRRELL HATTON: Yeah, a nice way to finish. I putted pretty well all three days, to be honest. So that showed in my score. Hopefully that continues tomorrow.

Q. I wanted to ask you about tomorrow. You've already got a victory this season. How does it feel to be close to getting another one? Right now on top of the leaderboard at the RBC Heritage with 18 to play.
TYRRELL HATTON: Well, I think the guys that are out last today, by the time they finish, I don't think I'll be leading the tournament. It would certainly be nice to go out there tomorrow with potentially a chance to win. Obviously, a lot of confidence from winning a few months ago, and hopefully a good day tomorrow.

Q. Tyrrell, curious, back-to-back days of bogey free rounds. This is a tidy little golf course. How do you accomplish that on this kind of layout?
TYRRELL HATTON: I think I've been quite lucky with where some of my misses have ended up, and I've putted really well. So I think I've only missed one putt inside six feet in three days. Holing out has been really good and been pretty solid from inside 20 feet, which is nice, and I hope that continues tomorrow.

Q. We saw you rolling that long one at 18. 140 feet of putts made today. When we started the week, we talked about how grainy they are. I don't know what your experience is like, but what's been the process for you getting that grain down and mastering it the way you have?
TYRRELL HATTON: Well, I don't actually pay too much attention to the grain when I'm reading putts. I kind of just look at it and just have a feel for where I think I need to start it, and that's how I've always putted. I don't really change from week to week.

Q. Just lastly, we heard from a lot of the European guys, and they really seem to like this course because of the maneuverability that you have to do, the smaller greens. Does it feel, even though it's Bermuda grass, does it feel a little bit more like what you see at home?
TYRRELL HATTON: I guess so. It's an old golf course, and it's nice to play courses like this from time to time rather than long wide open fields, which sometimes we do play. So it's nice that this has a definite feel to it. Yeah, maybe that suits some of the guys from Europe. I don't know.

Q. Did you go home -- did you go back to the UK after the THE PLAYERS?
TYRRELL HATTON: No. We stayed in Orlando. We rented a house in Lake Nona. So we spent the 13 weeks just hanging around there. It was a nice spot to be.

Q. Would you have gone back at any point had we not been going through this?
TYRRELL HATTON: Me and Emily, my fiancee, we talked about it. It was all depending on how long we're going to be off from playing tournaments. We kind of said that, although when we went into a bit of a lockdown here, it was really bad in the UK, and we felt like, when it got worse in the States, then we might look at going home.

But when the schedule came out and with the quarantine rules back in the UK and coming back out to the States, it just didn't make much sense to try and go home. And also practice-wise, they kept the tees open at Nona, so if you wanted to practice, you could. Back in the UK, you couldn't leave the house. No golf courses were open. So I wouldn't have been able to practice anywhere -- although I still didn't actually practice a whole lot whilst I was at Nona. It was going to be more beneficial to stay.

Q. Was there any sympathy, I guess -- I guess you feel sympathetic to your countrymen or other international players who did leave, and now they're faced with this tough decision to have to come back and quarantine. A long time away from home.
TYRRELL HATTON: Yeah, of course, it's a tough decision. When you've got families, et cetera, at home, it makes it more difficult to leave. At the end of the day, the guys have got to do what they feel is right for them. Everyone's got to make their own decisions. I think whatever you choose to do, everyone's got to respect that.

Q. Tyrrell, just your thoughts, last week was the same thing, this week same thing, packed leaderboard. Everyone seems to be playing great coming out of the chute without any rust. Your thoughts on looking at that leaderboard.
TYRRELL HATTON: Yeah, it's obviously a packed leaderboard. It wouldn't be surprising tomorrow if someone around 20th place goes out and shoots potentially a really low score to win the tournament. If the weather's the same, which I haven't seen the forecast, I think it will probably be another low scoring day. I'm sure it will be exciting to watch back home on the TV.

Q. Are you surprised that you guys are playing so well, so many players are playing so well after such a long break?
TYRRELL HATTON: No. I think we've all had enough notice to try and get ready to play tournaments again. So it's not massively surprising to see guys playing as well as they are, and hopefully the guys at home are enjoying it, watching on TV.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
Rev #1 by #181 at 2020-06-20 20:27:00 GMT

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