RBC Heritage

Saturday, June 20, 2020

Abraham Ancer

Quick Quotes

Q. Abraham, last week at Colonial, a couple low rounds going into Sunday, but you're right there in the mix. How much confidence did you get on that golf course kind of knowing that you're coming to something a little bit similar for this week?
ABRAHAM ANCER: Definitely. Two golf courses that I absolutely love, you have to be good off the tee and some good shots from the fairway. You have to be really precise. I enjoy that kind of golf. It gave me a lot of confidence. Two rounds out there that are kind of low and made some putts. Sunday not as much. I hit the ball well, but I just didn't make anything.

And I've had a couple of rounds like this here, but I'm hitting it well, so I'm giving myself a lot of chances, which is nice.

Q. In watching your ball striking and looking at the numbers, it's been phenomenal through three rounds. I know you haven't quite gotten the putts to drop. These greens are tricky. What will you try to do on Sunday to maybe figure it out? More line speed? What do you see?
ABRAHAM ANCER: Same thing. I don't think I'm doing anything wrong. You've just got to stay patient, and hopefully they'll start going. Maybe hit them with a little bit more speed. I've noticed that some of them that I miss just barely low. If we had a little more speed, it would definitely go in.

I'm not trying to change anything. Just keep giving myself chances and just making par.

Q. You've had some good showings, not just on the PGA TOUR, but worldwide, when you think about those two top six finishes, of course we go back to American Express. What have you learned from that going into tomorrow?
ABRAHAM ANCER: I feel more comfortable out there. It doesn't matter if I'm in 70th or 2nd, I feel like I feel really comfortable out there, which is really important when you're in contention. Yeah, I just -- I think that's the biggest thing. I don't put myself in too much trouble, and I just feel comfortable

Q. Abraham, just assess your round for us, please.
ABRAHAM ANCER: Very solid round. Ball striking off the tee and my irons were definitely on point. Very happy with that. A little bit off with the putter, but I think most players out here are struggling a little bit on the greens. They're very tricky.

All in all, very happy with my results. All I want is to have a chance on Sunday, and I put myself there within striking distance for sure and try to go low tomorrow.

Q. You obviously played very well last week with a chance to win going into Sunday at Colonial, playing well here. Is this kind of -- obviously, you're carrying over the momentum from last week, but is it kind of showing the work you put in over the break is really paying off?
ABRAHAM ANCER: I think so. I mean, I did work -- the first month, to be honest, I didn't really do much. It was kind of like a break, give my body a little bit of a break. Then I did a lot of work with my trainer Luka and to get my body to work and got stronger and a little bit better. Then the last month, I did practice. We played pretty much almost every day.

I was striking it well. I felt good. We had a couple of little games there with my friends back home to kind of get the juices flowing, and it got me ready. When I got to Colonial, I felt really good with my swing and with everything really.

Q. You obviously started to find your way onto the leaderboards on the weekend on the PGA TOUR. Was there kind of a moment where you said, yeah, I feel comfortable now, and that's kind of helped you get into these positions?
ABRAHAM ANCER: I think there have been several moments that have helped me quite a bit. One of them was the win in Australia, the Australian Open, having the lead on Sunday and keeping that lead was nice, gave me a lot of confidence. Also, the Presidents Cup, that was a tournament where you're going to have a lot of nerves pretty much on every shot. So those tournaments and those instances have helped me feel really comfortable out here.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
Rev #1 by #181 at 2020-06-20 22:04:00 GMT

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