RBC Heritage

Saturday, June 20, 2020

Ryan Palmer

Quick Quotes

Q. Ryan, just how would you assess your round?
RYAN PALMER: A big day, a huge round. For one, knowing I had to shoot a low round, a good round to stay up there. I got out here, I'm tied for fourth going into the day, and when I get on the range, I'm tied for 15th. The scores were just unbelievable out there. 63 this morning. It just shows you, it's so calm in the morning, guys can go low.

I knew I had to get to 4 or 5 under today just to be up towards the top. I wasn't sure I'd be tied for the lead, but a huge day. Huge day driving. Irons were pretty solid. Putting was there. I just didn't make a few on the front that I could have, but overall, it's there. I just need to put it all together for one round. I think I've got my lowest round yet ahead of me.

Q. When you see those scores and you come out to the golf course, as you say, and you're tied for 15th instead of tied for 4th like you were at the end of Friday, how does that really change your mentality? Is it hard to say, okay, I know I need to go out and shoot this, but knowing that the afternoon is usually tougher?
RYAN PALMER: Yeah, you just kind of come in knowing you've just got to play your game. I know, if I came out and played my game, I would have chances, and I could shoot a good round. How well I was going to shoot, who knows?

But I just told myself -- Neil Smith texted this morning . We talked about it a little bit -- my main focus was just to go out and play my game. And knowing the scores are low, so knowing it's there. A little breeze picked up this afternoon, but nothing too crazy. So I just played my game, and I was able to shoot my best round on the back nine this week.

Q. When you look back on your wins over your career, is there one thing that you can kind of take from those that you can kind of say, okay, this is what I need to do tomorrow, kind of a mental image that can help you?
RYAN PALMER: I don't know about my wins, but a lot of my top three, top fives I've had in the past, I've always been up at the top. So I know I can play up there for Sunday's round. That's what I've taken from it.

It's hard to look back on Zurich because it was a team format, but I led wire to wire when I won Sony in 2010. I can definitely look back on that. I mean, it was a few years ago, but I've been up towards the top a lot and I've played well, just haven't come through a lot of times. So I can take that knowing I've been there, and I know what my game is doing now, and that's huge. I know how I'm driving it. I have no doubt in my mind I'll have a chance tomorrow.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
Rev #1 by #181 at 2020-06-20 22:22:00 GMT

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