RBC Heritage

Saturday, June 20, 2020

Webb Simpson

Quick Quotes

Q. Webb, I know it's not the day you wanted, but let me ask you about your putting. It was just a struggle today to get the right reads.
WEBB SIMPSON: Yeah, I actually hit a number of putts that didn't go in. The reads were a little off today. But playing at 2:10 late in the day, there's going to be inconsistencies in the green. We've had the whole field go through.

But confidence is still high. A lot of putts, I was hitting my line. You've just got to -- hopefully, we'll read them better tomorrow.

Q. What did you take from a day like today confidence-wise, heading into Sunday?
WEBB SIMPSON: What's hard to see is this morning there was no wind, and then we played the wind. It was tough. Today played like typical Harbour Town, I thought -- windy, some gusts, some tricky shots. The golf course burned up completely there on the back nine.

So my 3 under this morning wouldn't have been any good, but it was pretty good this afternoon.

Q. Final thoughts on just a load on the leaderboard right now, a bunch of guys at 15 under, I don't know how many guys within five shots of the lead. How much do you look at the scoreboard tomorrow, and how much do you say I've just got to go out and do my best?
WEBB SIMPSON: A little bit. I'll definitely be looking, but especially early on, I've got to take care of my business. It looks like we're going to have pretty good weather, so I'm sure it will take a good round with that many guys within two of three of the lead. Got to take care of my business and see if it's enough.

Q. Webb, watching another really solid ball striking day from front to the back, but you gave yourself a lot of good looks. What do you think it was, why those putts didn't fall?
WEBB SIMPSON: I think maybe we were a little off on the reads, but also I hit a few good putts that didn't go in. That's what you've got to deal with late in the day is greens that aren't as good as they are in the morning, and that's part of it.

But hopefully tomorrow, I'll be on the correct side of the hole and can be a little more aggressive, have a few downhill looks. All in all, a good day to hang in there, no bogeys after No. 7, so that's nice. Yeah, I would love to make a few more birdies.

Q. You told us earlier in the week that the greens really do hold differently on the front compared to the back. I'm sure you and Paul talked about it. Do you have to make some sort of adjustments when you're dealing with this kind of grain and the differences?
WEBB SIMPSON: Yeah, even today, we're having a hard time getting the ball to the hole on the first nine. The back nine, they're quicker just because the wind is picking up and they're drying out a little bit. So you do have to adjust as you go. A lot of these greens are in the shadows, so it's hard to see the line as easily as if it's out in the sun.

It's one of those things, you've got to do your best and hope they go in and keep plugging along.

Q. The leaderboard has such similar scores, and you talked about how the weather maybe came into play. What kind of day are you hoping for out here? You're used to that traditional Sunday here at Harbour Town. A lot of these guys haven't been here.
WEBB SIMPSON: I hope it continues to get a little drier. It would be nice to see it kind of return to play like it did in April. It certainly felt like that on the back nine today. I think it's going to take a good score. With that many guys that close, somebody's going to shoot a low one. Hopefully it's me. Stepping up on the 1st tee tomorrow, I've got to take care of me.

Q. Webb, how would you assess your round today?
WEBB SIMPSON: It was solid. I gave myself a few good looks. It definitely played more difficult today than it has the first two days, especially there on the back nine. I just didn't make as many putts, obviously, as I did yesterday. We're still reading them well. I'm still putting it well. I've just got to stay patient and know that they'll come.

Q. Is it tough when you're hitting those good putts and to stay patient when they're not going in?
WEBB SIMPSON: Yeah, it's tough. It's a challenge. Especially when guys are shooting 63s and 64s. That's why for me I can't pay too much attention to the leaderboard on a Saturday. I've got to stay hole to hole, focus on me. But, yeah, I didn't hole as many putts as I wanted to, but what I'm going to take from that is we keep reading them well. I'll do my drills here shortly, and I'll come back tomorrow ready to go.

Q. How difficult is it when you come out to the golf course and you see a bunch of 63s, five or six 63s, to know that that's the morning and the afternoon's going to be different, and I've got to still play my game.
WEBB SIMPSON: It's tough in a sense, but I'd still rather be in the last couple groups because it shows you're playing well, and you have less work to do than they had to do that morning. So it's still a good position to be in. You've got to be careful not to -- you know, I was out there a couple under there on 12 and 13 seeing those scores. If you're not careful, you'll think, I'm not playing as good as those guys, but their conditions were a lot different.

They played great, hat's off to them, but it was a lot harder this afternoon.

Q. Anything that you can draw on going into tomorrow?
WEBB SIMPSON: Yeah. I think today was one of those rounds where it could have been a 70, 71, and I shot 68. So I'm really happy with the score even though I had a few makable birdie putts. But, hey, I'm tied for the lead going into Sunday, which is what I want.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
Rev #1 by #181 at 2020-06-20 22:29:00 GMT

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