RBC Heritage

Saturday, June 20, 2020

Abraham Ancer

Press Conference

THE MODERATOR: We'd like to welcome Abraham Ancer into the interview room, following a 6-under par 65. Abraham currently tied for the lead right now. If we can get some comments on your day.

ABRAHAM ANCER: Very pleased where I stand with my round. I think I hit the ball really well off the tee, and my irons were definitely working. A little bit off in my putter. I think I left a lot of them out there, but I felt like a lot of people are also struggling with the greens. They're very, very tricky, tough to make putts on, but all in all, really happy with my round.

THE MODERATOR: Four players currently tied for the lead. Just talk a little bit about tomorrow's final round and what promises to be a shootout.

ABRAHAM ANCER: Yeah, definitely anybody's tournament. I think the scores have been really low, especially this last two days. So you're going to have to make as many birdies as possible tomorrow. So it's going to be fun. It's a golf course that is definitely yielding a lot of birdies, which it normally doesn't. I think it's playing very different this year. It's been softer and with a different kind of grass. So it's going to be fun.

Q. Two questions. Why do you think the board has been so bunched up consecutive weeks like this?
ABRAHAM ANCER: Well, I think the fields have been extremely strong. So a lot of definitely everybody out here was just eager to come out and play. I mean, it's probably the field we've seen on these two golf courses.

The greens are being a little bit soft, especially this week, a little softer than normal, and the ball isn't really rolling out as much as you're used to on the greens and also on the fairways. So I think that's yielding a little bit more birdies for sure.

I remember last year, this was my first time here, and it definitely played a lot tougher. It hasn't really been that much wind either.

Q. Is this your first time in a situation like this? I'm not talking about the lead as much as I'm talking about 15, 18 guys separated by two shots going into the last day.
ABRAHAM ANCER: No, I think I've been in kind of similar situations. All what it really comes down to is you just have to make a lot of birdies tomorrow. Golf course is definitely playing a lot easier, like I said, and it's going to be a shootout. Whoever makes the most birdies tomorrow is going to win.

Q. What do you have to do well?
ABRAHAM ANCER: Well, as of right now, I've got to make them. I've got to make more. I've been hitting it well off the tee and really good with my irons, I think. So today I had maybe three or four putts that I should have made and obviously didn't, but I'm striking it well and giving myself a lot of chances, which is all I want.

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Rev #1 by #181 at 2020-06-20 22:47:00 GMT

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