RBC Heritage

Sunday, June 21, 2020

Brian Harman

Quick Quotes

Q. Brian, 6-under par 65, excellent final round here at the RBC Heritage. If we can get some comments.
BRIAN HARMAN: Yeah, I've been playing really nicely all week, and I finally kind of put it together for a day. Still left a few out there, but I'm really excited about my game. I've been talking about how well I've been hitting my irons, and I've been striking it great. I'm really looking forward to next week.

Q. Everything seemed to come together. Today seem like a fairly stress free round for you?
BRIAN HARMAN: Yeah. Had to make a nice up and down on 3. Kind of made a mess of 2 again, but, yeah, I had a lot of chances out there. It's easy to get frustrated when you're putting and you've got a bunch of chances, but I was able to convert a few. So it turned out nice.

Q. Assess your game after these first two weeks back.
BRIAN HARMAN: I'm excited. I haven't been this excited about my ball striking. I'm just going to keep at it, keep doing what I'm doing. Hopefully, I can get in contention.

Q. Anything you would like to work on going forward?
BRIAN HARMAN: Just a little bit more consistency with my putting, and there's a couple kind of mental lapses over the week that I wish I could go back and do over.

Q. Your schedule over the next three or four weeks?
BRIAN HARMAN: I'm definitely playing next week. Then I might take one or two weeks off. I've been trying to figure out where to take a two-week break to kind of reassess what's going on, and definitely be back for Memorial and 3M.

Q. Last, any Father's Day plans for you?
BRIAN HARMAN: No. We've got -- I said good-bye to my babies this morning. They came and saw me this week, which was really nice, but they're heading back home, and I'm heading up to Connecticut.

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Rev #1 by #181 at 2020-06-21 17:13:00 GMT

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