RBC Heritage

Sunday, June 21, 2020

Ernie Els

Quick Quotes

Q. Ernie, based on how you played today and what you saw, do you think it's going to be possible for the leaders to attack the golf course today?
ERNIE ELS: Yeah, the flags are on Sunday positions, but there's no wind, very humid. So it means the greens are soft, very receptive. Yeah, I think it's going to be a nice shootout. I think the leader can shoot a 6, 7 under par round today if he plays properly.

Q. And speaking of playing properly, for the guy that wins, what is it going to take?
ERNIE ELS: You've got to get off to a decent start. 1st hole is a decent start, so you can get off with a par. 2nd hole, you've got to birdie. It's a very reachable par 5. 3 and 4, you want to get pars. 5 is a very birdieable hole. 6 is birdieable. Even 7. 8's a tough one. 10 is a tough one. 11 is tough.

Then you've got to just putt accordingly. There's some good flags out there, but it's very scorable.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
Rev #1 by #181 at 2020-06-21 17:17:00 GMT

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