RBC Heritage

Sunday, June 21, 2020

C.T. Pan

Quick Quotes

Q. So just some comments about your week overall, returning as defending champ. How is it this week?
C.T. PAN: It's great. It's just great to be back. This event was cancelled two months ago, and it's great -- I mean, I never expected to be back until 2021, so it's great to be back at probably my favorite course and favorite stop on the TOUR.

I mean, no fans allowed, but we still have some fans along the course in the houses. I love the people out here. So I just want to show my greatest appreciation to them.

Q. Obviously, the course is playing super low for a lot of the guys. How do you think it's playing different compared to your win last year?
C.T. PAN: Everything is softer, and there's no wind. I mean, probably in the summer it's quite normal. I've got to say, everything is playing softer, the fairways, the greens. So it's pretty easy and no wind. So it makes sense to me that people would shoot like 20 under to win.

Q. Do you think the leaders will have to play more aggressive to win this year?
C.T. PAN: Yeah. I mean, like I said, right now it's blowing at like 5 miles or less, so I think they do have to. And there are 30-plus players within three shots of the lead. Last year, I was two, three shots back after three rounds. So everyone has a chance.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
Rev #1 by #181 at 2020-06-21 17:20:00 GMT

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