RBC Heritage

Sunday, June 21, 2020

Dylan Frittelli

Quick Quotes

Q. Dylan, congratulations on a wonderful round of golf today -- nine birdies, no bogeys. I'm looking at the numbers. You didn't make a lot of feet of putts. That means you were all over the flagstick today.
DYLAN FRITTELLI: My putting was solid. I missed, I guess, one short-ish one and one medium range one on 16. Besides that, I felt like everything was pretty much a tap-in, didn't feel like I had to make too many. That's kind of the strength of my game anyway. So I look back and think, oh, it's just a normal round of golf, hit it where I saw it and make the odd putt, but I'm extremely proud of the way I played today.

Q. What was the difference? You're 8 under coming into this final round, and you shoot 9-under 62. What was the big difference?
DYLAN FRITTELLI: Probably the way my body felt. The middle two rounds, I felt a little slow. I did a little workout with my trainer Friday afternoon, and that probably set me up for today. I felt a little slow yesterday, slightly sluggish. I felt really good, had some physio with him this morning and just felt comfortable. The warmup felt great. The balls seemed to be in range.

I guess the major thing I was struggling with last week was just the mental side. Not having played competitive golf, going out there and being able to execute a tough shot. The little gremlins that get in your head, they seemed to be miles away from me today. So I'm happy with that.

Q. What was it like to slam home a birdie putt at 18 and hear about four people clap?
DYLAN FRITTELLI: Yeah, that was kind of surreal. I shouted go because I thought it was short into the grain, and I almost had to like check myself. Whoa, why did I scream so loud? No background noise at all. No, it's an interesting moment. The winners over the next few weeks with all this COVID stuff going on are going to have mixed emotions coming down the stretch and tapping it in for the win, I guess.

Q. Finally, going to hang around? What are you going to do today? You never know on the PGA TOUR. You posted 17 under, and the leaders are going off soon and know that number is there.
DYLAN FRITTELLI: I think, if anything, it's going to give those guys confidence. The court setup is not very tough today. With the top players in the world playing here, there's going to be someone that's going to shoot 4 or 5 under. I'm going to go home and pack my bags. I'll have a spare set of clothes on stand by in case I need to rush back for a playoff. I'll probably be sipping something cold by the time they're finishing.

Q. Dylan, given the low scoring today, what do you think the leaders have to do this afternoon?
DYLAN FRITTELLI: I think it's a pretty straightforward setup. You've just got to hit some good iron shots in my mind. My irons were pretty weak yesterday, and today they were really dialed in. If you find a few fairways, you can hit them close. The greens are still soft. I thought it was going to firm up throughout the weekend, but it's kind of stayed the same Friday afternoon until now. It may get a little firmer in the evening with some wind and sun, but I think it's going to be gettable for those guys to shoot 4 or 5 under.

Q. I was going to ask you about the changing conditions. Were the pins a little bit more accessible today, did you feel?
DYLAN FRITTELLI: A little bit more accessible than yesterday, but there's still some tricky ones out there. A few of the back pins will play a bit easier. I hit it close on 14 and bounced or rolled it sort of eight, ten yards back to the pin, so a few of those shots you can play now because the greens have firmed up a little bit. That also may make it tough for some of the tighter pins.

We'll have to see how the leaders approach it, but, yeah, I'm not thinking my number is good enough by any standard.

Q. When you start the day in the position that you did, were you thinking I need to shoot as low as I can to give myself a chance, or does that change tournament to tournament?
DYLAN FRITTELLI: I'm just trying to birdie every hole, to be honest. Teeing off early on Sunday is not ideal. I was just trying to stay committed, stay consistent. I birdied 9, and I thought, okay, here we go, 3 under. I turned 2 under yesterday and shot even, so that was kind of disappointing. I had to hold the bit between my teeth today to try to have a good back nine. So thankfully, I made some birdies early and finished it off with a birdie on 17 and 18.

I'm really sad about the one on 16. That was a pretty easy putt. I knew where it was. I just thought it was a little quicker down the hill and came up short. That would have been cool. Because in the practice round, I actually finished with three birdies, and one of the guys I was playing with said, oh, no, you can do that in the tournament as well. I had it in the back of my mind, let's see if I can do it again.

Q. You're from Austin. Were you on the same flight as Sergio and Nick Watney on Monday?
DYLAN FRITTELLI: No, I wasn't. I came separately. I'm not cool enough to get an invite on their private plane. Maybe now I am. We'll see.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
Rev #1 by #181 at 2020-06-21 17:38:00 GMT

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