RBC Heritage

Sunday, June 21, 2020

Viktor Hovland

Quick Quotes

Q. Some comments on your round, if you could, please.
VIKTOR HOVLAND: Got off to a hot start with an eagle on 2 and eagled No. 5 as well. Made another nice birdie on 8, and I was thinking maybe if I shoot 4 or 5 under on the back nine as well, it could be a really, really good finish, but just didn't really hit the shots that I needed to hit and didn't really make any putts coming in either. So just ended up with a bunch of pars.

Q. How would you assess your game after these first two weeks?
VIKTOR HOVLAND: Not the best, to be honest. I haven't really hit it the way I would have liked to hit it. I felt like I really was in a good spot over the break, especially with my longer clubs, just how I was able to shape it both ways and hit a low, hit a high. It's a little one-dimensional now, I feel like, and I really need to kind of work on my -- working especially with the longer clubs and the driver, just straighten out the ball flight a little bit.

But other than that, I'm really pleased with kind of finishing the way I have been considering how my game's been.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
Rev #1 by #181 at 2020-06-21 18:31:00 GMT

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