RBC Heritage

Sunday, June 21, 2020

Justin Rose

Quick Quotes

Q. Justin, a very nice final day here. Just assess your round if you could, please.
JUSTIN ROSE: Obviously, it's a birdie run here this week for sure. Conditions were once again great for scoring. Again, got off to a quick start. I feel like on this golf course you've got to be sort of 3, 4 under through six holes to feel like you can build a great score and make some headway on the rest of the leaderboard, and I did that today.

I've gone a little flat around the middle of my rounds the last couple of days. I had a nice finish today, just a little bit soured by missing, I guess, a three footer for birdie on 18, which would have capped it off nicely.

The putter was probably the cold part of me. I think I was negative strokes gained putting this week, and to shoot 16 under with that means I did a lot of other things really, really well this week, so that's encouraging. But, yeah, on a birdie fest golf course in a birdie fest week, you need to have your putter backing you up a bit.

Q. How satisfied are you with where your game is these first two weeks?
JUSTIN ROSE: Yeah, I'm satisfied. I never felt like I was going to win today, but certainly playing the last few holes, I felt like I was playing for a decent position. Last week I had the putt on 18 that I knew really meant something. I'm getting myself into the right end of things, the thick end of things on Sundays. So that's very encouraging going forward.

Q. What does it say about maybe what you did over the break to be able to come out and be, obviously, not maybe completely in contention this week, but to get on a nice birdie run today, but to be where you were last week with a chance to win.
JUSTIN ROSE: I think even being 2 over par through 13 holes this week, to get it to where I did means there's a lot of good golf, a lot of firepower there, so it's encouraging.

I did work hard during the break. I felt that I needed to. January, February, March weren't as I would like, so, yeah, from a golfing point of view, it came at a good time for me and enabled me to reset. So, yeah, obviously had less than ideal circumstances for everybody right now, but you've got to make the most of it, and that's what I tried to do.

Q. Just one last question, Justin. If I'm not mistaken, you had your first Rose Series for ladies back in England this week. I heard it went really well. Just your thoughts on how it went.
JUSTIN ROSE: Yeah, Liz young, whose home course it was, Brockenhurst Manor, it's fantastic that she was in contention. Unfortunately, she lost in a playoff to Charley Hull. I say unfortunately as she was the hometown girl. But, obviously, it's amazing to have Charley be the winner of the first one. She's the highest ranked player in the series.

Obviously, it's modest prize money and what have you, but it's more the opportunity to sharpen the skill set and give the ladies something to at least practice for, get a scorecard in your hand because I didn't know where my game was coming into this, these couple of weeks. I practiced hard. I worked hard. But until someone puts a scorecard in your hand, you don't know. So I just wanted to try to help out and give them that opportunity so that, when things really count, hopefully in a couple months time, when they can get back to playing in the big events, they'll be sharp.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
Rev #1 by #181 at 2020-06-21 22:21:00 GMT

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