RBC Heritage

Sunday, June 21, 2020

Alex Noren

Quick Quotes

Q. Alex, how would you assess your week?
ALEX NOREN: Overall, pretty good. I had my chances. I played pretty good today early on, and then I came back from the break, wasn't as sharp, I don't know why. Also needed a few birdies to get up to the top of the leaderboard, kind of chasing a little bit, and kind of like -- but overall, it was pretty good.

Q. Going forward here, is this a good week to kind of carry momentum into future weeks here?
ALEX NOREN: Yeah, I've been -- kind of had a slow couple of -- year and a half, where I think I played a lot better than my scores. You have this -- when you had like three good years before that, you think everything is -- then it's kind of easier. You have all the results to like kind of lean on. Then you just think it's another good week and you roll in the putts.

Then when you more force this game, it's a lot tougher and more frustrating. So I don't think the game is that much worse than those previous years. It's just kind of forcing it a little bit, gets a little bit disappointed too easy when I don't get the high finishes. This is another one of those weeks.

But I'm happy to be out of the long break we had. I'm looking forward to the upcoming tournament.

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Rev #1 by #181 at 2020-06-21 23:34:00 GMT

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