RBC Heritage

Sunday, June 21, 2020

Sergio Garcia

Quick Quotes

Q. Sergio, how would you assess the way the final round played out?
SERGIO GARCIA: Yeah. Obviously, good charge there at the end. It's going to be, looks like, a couple shots short. I would love to start a tiny bit better. I didn't -- you know, I'm proud of it because I didn't feel amazing after the restart. I didn't have -- I probably shouldn't have even hit balls on the range. I went there and hit a couple, and I didn't feel great.

Once I got out on the course, I settled down a little bit. Rolled a couple nice putts, and that kind of got me going a little bit. Obviously, a really nice finish and just a little bit short, but good week overall.

Q. What does this week do for your confidence going forward here to continue along with the restart of the PGA TOUR season?
SERGIO GARCIA: It's good. I think there are a lot of good things this week. I think that today probably was a day that I felt I played less consistent. I think my ball striking was really, really good throughout the whole week. Obviously, we can improve on the putting. So that's always something we can get better at.

I think overall, like I said, there were a lot of good positives. Hopefully, we'll keep riding that momentum next week.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
Rev #1 by #181 at 2020-06-22 00:20:00 GMT

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