RBC Heritage

Sunday, June 21, 2020

Daniel Berger

Quick Quotes

Q. Daniel, I know it's going to come up a little bit short, but you've got to be proud of the way you played this week coming off the win from last week. How would you assess your week?
DANIEL BERGER: Yeah, I struck the ball much better on the weekend. After that rain delay this afternoon, I think the greens were a little bit slower than I anticipated, and my speed was just a little off. I just didn't make enough on the middle stretch of that back nine.

All in all, it was a solid week. It's tough to come off of a win and play well. I'm proud of myself for hanging in there for that long.

Q. Now you go to another course that you really enjoy, River Highlands, up in Connecticut. The confidence you've got to be exuding going into another week where you enjoy the golf course has to be very high.
DANIEL BERGER: Yeah, I've really dialed in my process. I know what I need to do in order to be prepared. As long as I continue to work hard and grind, then I'll have another good week.

Q. Is that a big thing, dialing in how you do things, especially in the world we're in? You've got your uncle cooking and staying in the house and just having a process of how you kind of go about your day, does that really help? Does that kind of get you focused in certain ways?
DANIEL BERGER: Yeah, I'm a process oriented guy, so that kind of makes my bubble even smaller, with my uncle cooking and my physio staying at the house and my caddie staying with me. I think it gives me a little more peace of mind and makes me feel more comfortable when we get out to these events.

Like I said, I figured out what I need to do each week to play well, and as long as I continue to do those things, I think I'll have a great rest of the season.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
Rev #1 by #181 at 2020-06-22 00:30:00 GMT

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