RBC Heritage

Sunday, June 21, 2020

Abraham Ancer

Quick Quotes

Q. Abraham, you played well last week, you played exceptionally well this week. It looked like you did everything you had to do to get this win. What do you take away from this week?
ABRAHAM ANCER: Definitely a lot of positives. I probably had one of my best ball striking weeks in my career. So that's nice. I gave myself a lot of chances. It will eventually go in in bunches, hopefully. Today there were some that I really thought they were going in and they just decided not to.

Yeah, it was awesome. Big props to Webb. He played amazing down the stretch, especially in the end. But, yeah, tons of positives this week.

Q. You've been in this position several times in your young PGA TOUR career. How do you stay patient and not try to force getting that first win?
ABRAHAM ANCER: Yeah, it's tough, especially like this week, when I felt like I was right there during the weekend, hitting it even more than enough to win. That's just golf. You've just got to keep trying. I'm not going to change anything or work on anything. I'm just going to keep doing what I'm doing, and I think that will eventually happen.

Q. You have a long stretch of golf coming up. When you look at the performance and the ball striking and things seem to sort of be gelling, how much does that affect your confidence in terms of knowing what's left out there for you to accomplish?
ABRAHAM ANCER: I mean, there's a lot of big tournaments, coming up, which I enjoy. There's some golf courses that are -- I mean, this one's usually tough, but it played a lot easier this year for some reason, softer, I guess. I prefer tough golf courses for some reason, and a lot of them that I enjoy. But, yeah, a lot of positives, like I said, and looking forward to what is ahead of me.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
Rev #1 by #181 at 2020-06-22 00:51:00 GMT

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