RBC Heritage

Sunday, June 21, 2020

Tyrrell Hatton

Quick Quotes

Q. Tyrrell, came close to making it back-to-back wins in starts, even though it's been a long time. But talk a little bit about today's final round first.
TYRRELL HATTON: Yeah, obviously, very happy with the tournament. Having 13 weeks off and coming back, I wasn't really sure how my game was going to be. If you'd told me I was going to finish tied for third to start the week, I would have been more than happy with that.

Obviously, I had a chance out there today. It's funny how this game can bite you at time. It was the best I've been at tee to green and the worst I've putted.

Yeah, I left some opportunities out there, but it is what it is. I tried my best. Yeah, like I said, it's been a great week.

Q. Just talk about the ebb and flow just in terms of the stoppage for the rain and stuff. Did that affect you in any way in terms of getting back out there and getting ready?
TYRRELL HATTON: I actually think it helped me. I wasn't feeling very comfortable with my swing, like I said, after yesterday's round, but going back out into the range after the delay for some reason, my swing felt good, and that showed with how I started. Yeah, just a case of not holing putts today.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
Rev #1 by #181 at 2020-06-22 01:16:00 GMT

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