RBC Heritage

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Jason Bohn

Press Conference

MARK WILLIAMS: Jason, thanks for joining us. Obviously we're all really thrilled to have you back here, and I'm sure you're really thrilled to be back here, too.

If you could just give us an idea on what you're feeling after being here for a couple of days now and after what you've been through.

JASON BOHN: I'm feeling rusty, for sure, but I feel unbelievable. My health and my attitude and my mind is really clear. I feel great, actually just to have the opportunity to be here, for sure. Obviously the game is right now for me is a little bit secondary. I kind of wish I was in the media room for other reasons, talking about World Ranking, something other than me coming back from a heart attack.

But I really just feel really blessed just to even have the opportunity to play again. And then to play so fast is surprising to me. I think I needed to come back for me emotionally, mentally I needed this to just come back and try to get a normal life back on track. And to know that I can continue to do it.

MARK WILLIAMS: That was my next question before we take questions, is when did you find out that you could begin to play again?

JASON BOHN: In the six and a half weeks I've been off, about the third week, this is the tournament that popped into my head, that if I was fortunate enough to get the test results back that I wanted to hear, that I really wanted to come play. To me it's one of the greatest golf courses we play on Tour, it's a unique style of golf course. And in all honesty, selfishly, it's an easier walk.

So I thought it's going to be quiet, great, family and everything. So about three weeks into it I thought about this. And then I got the test results back last Monday that they told me that my heart was back to 100 percent where it was prior to the heart attack and what they call an ejection fraction is back to 55 to 60 percent, which is normal on most human beings.

Q. You said this is an easy walk. Any tournaments come into mind that you might skip because they're too much or are you ready to go?
JASON BOHN: I don't see that happening, I really don't. I think I'm going to play my routine schedule. I kind of have to see how I go this week. But I feel like right now I have more energy, maybe it's because I'm really excited and the adrenaline is kind of carrying me through right now. But I really wasn't fatigued after playing 18 holes yesterday. I played another 18 in the Pro Am today at incredible time. I'm not really fatigued right now.

I've been doing a lot of cardio rehab, which is maybe more cardio exercise than I've ever done in my life in the past five weeks. So that, I think, is probably helping me. I spoke with Eric Compton a lot about it, you might have a little shortness of breath, you might find yourself fatigued in certain areas. I was completely ignorant in what to expect. But right now I don't see myself changing anything, I still plan on playing after this week. I'm going to play the Zurich, I'll play in Charlotte and also The PLAYERS. I plan on playing three weeks in a row, if I can handle it.

Q. Was there ever a time, having gone through your back issues before, was there ever a time during the course of this most recent setback that you contemplated life without golf?
JASON BOHN: You know what, great question. But I would say the answer to that is no at this point. You know, I was enjoying being at home with my family and I kind of looked at my wife and said, man, this is really great.

But I think that golf for me is -- I think it's work, but work I think is kind of what helps drive me to be the person that I am. So I love to practice. I love to work on my game. And, I don't know, I love the sport.

So I think that what I missed the most in five weeks, not only all my friends and family that I have out here, but the competition. I just missed it. I really truly miss -- I know it sounds odd but I missed grinding over that four foot putt. I really did miss that. I didn't know that I would ever miss that. But I missed it.

So that's what I noticed when I was practicing. There wasn't that grind that needed to be there. But since I've gotten here I've felt that again. I've kind of felt that, okay, I need to pay a little attention here, I need to be a little more focused and sharp. And I think that that was the major thing realizing that I really missed it.

Q. What was it like when you got back out? Where do you think your game is? You said to me a couple of weeks ago you thought it might be a B minus. What might be lacking?
JASON BOHN: B minus was pretty optimistic, I have to tell you. My game is actually not -- what I can tell is my speed is not there, some of the speed that I was kind of picking up, I think, I don't have that back yet, for sure. But the mechanics are still pretty sound. I've hit some really good golf shots the last couple of days. I'm pretty excited about that. My short game is -- my short game -- you've got to work on it.

So I think it will come. It's gotten better the last couple of days, I can tell you. But the overall -- my overall experience since I got here, completely overwhelmed how many people came up to me and just all wished me well, great to see me, all that kind of stuff. Emotionally that's been the most difficult thing I've had to deal with, because it's really touching. I'm amazed at how close we are, how much we want to beat each other every week, but how really close we are as friends and how much people really care about each other. And that's been slightly overwhelming for me. I appreciate it.

I can't thank -- the one thing I haven't been able to do, I've had so much response, so many people text, call, I haven't been able to get back to everybody. I feel bad about that. I try to see everybody and thank them for what they did. I've got a lot more thanking to do. People have been -- all of my friends -- my family, because -- my PGA Tour family have you will been great to me.

Q. We talked to guys who have been through fairly serious or traumatic things, a lot of times they'll talk about maybe when they get back the mistakes don't linger as long. They can let it go easier. I know you're just getting back, do you have any sense of what would be a different feeling for letting things go, given what you've been through?
JASON BOHN: No question. It will be a lot different to let things go. But I think that it's good to kind of hang on to it for a little while. That's what kind of drives you.

But, yeah, I've always been one to kind of grind it out and kind of keep going and not really keep up, and not really let it bother me too much. Yes, it's definitely put life into a bigger picture. Just realizing how quickly it can all go away. And not knowing that it's coming, either, is probably a big one.

I just tell all my friends, go get checked out, you know, go see a cardiologist, just do it. Just go check it out. I've gotten a lot of response from that. A lot of people have said, hey, I wouldn't have done this. My physio went and he just found out yesterday he's going to be put on medication, they found an irregular heartbeat. It's neat to hear those stories.

MARK WILLIAMS: We appreciate you coming in, and have an enjoyable week.

JASON BOHN: I've got to thank everyone for everything that I've been able to read. I know your job is very difficult, and but you've all said nice and positive things about me and my whole experience. I really appreciate it all, I truly do, so thank you.

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