RBC Heritage

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Luke Donald

Quick Quotes

Q. Luke, really nice start today. 5-under, 66. The thoughts on how you played?
LUKE DONALD: Yeah, I played really nice golf today. Kind of kept it in play, hit a lot of greens, made a couple of putts. It's one of those rounds you wish you had every day. There wasn't too much stress out there. And it was nice to shoot a good score. Not super tough conditions, but there was enough wind out there to get you thinking.

Q. Talking to some of the guys leading up to today's start, even though a lot of guys have played this course a lot of times, with the new grasses on the greens, how much different is it? Are they still the same or did you have to really learn the whole golf course again?
LUKE DONALD: Well, I specifically left my old yardage book at home, because I knew there was going to be subtle differences and I didn't want to rely on previous knowledge. Obviously for the most part most of the greens are very similar. There's a couple of tweaks here and there I noticed. Obviously the 5th hole is completely different, they've moved that green over.

The golf course hasn't really changed. But I think a couple of the slopes on the greens are a little bit different here and there, which -- that's why I left that old yardage book at home.

Q. I guess if there's any golf tournament that you're due to win it would be this one?
LUKE DONALD: Long way to go. Obviously a good solid start and I'm really happy about that. I would obviously love to win this tournament. And I've come very close before. But it's nice to get off to a good, solid start.

Q. Give us a quick description of your day today?
LUKE DONALD: Very solid round today, six birdies, one bogey. Hit a lot of fairways, a lot of greens. I felt like I was keeping it in the right spots to be able to get to a lot of these pins. And it was one of those rounds where I didn't have to scramble too hard.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
Rev #1 by #178 at 2016-04-14 17:31:00 GMT

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