RBC Heritage

Thursday, April 14, 2016

David Toms

Quick Quotes

Q. You had six birdies today. What did you do well today?
DAVID TOMS: I hit a lot of good shots. I kept the ball in play for the most part. I made a couple of 12, 15 foot putts which you need to do on a windy day. And at times out there it was pretty tough today with the wind to trying to pull a club. But I wish I could have made a few more pars in there, too. I had a nice round, plenty of birdies.

Q. Coming in on 17 and 18, what did you find with the wind and conditions?
DAVID TOMS: 17 was little tricky. I thought it was a little more downwind. I was trying to hold it up into the wind and just hit it and came short and made bogey there.

For me 18 is a tough hole. I was back there with a 4-iron trying to hold the green. I hit a great shot, goes over the back of the green and three-putt from the edge for another bogey. I played it like I needed to, it's just a tough hole for me.

Q. With a round like this today, are you satisfied? I know you wanted to be better at the end, but are you satisfied with today?
DAVID TOMS: Yeah, when I teed off I was freezing, the wind was howling, you couldn't really see, your eyes were watering, you're just trying to get the ball between the trees. Now it looks like these guys this afternoon might catch a break. It's unfortunate for the guys this morning, because it was pretty tough.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
Rev #1 by #178 at 2016-04-14 17:35:00 GMT

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