RBC Heritage

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Charley Hoffman

Quick Quotes

Q. Charley, really nice start, 3-under after the first four, finished 3-under for the first day. Your thoughts on your play today?
CHARLEY HOFFMAN: Pretty good. It's tricky out there. Obviously of the wind is blowing a little bit and the greens are much firmer than they have been in the past. So you can hit some quality shots that sort of run off. I got caught a couple of times on the back nine. But to start off 3-under par on this golf course, I'm pretty happy with it.

Q. Talking about the greens, the putts aren't breaking as much as they used to. They have their caddies out rolling golf balls, trying to figure out what they're doing here. What do you think of the greens?
CHARLEY HOFFMAN: You know, Wednesday was the first time I saw them. They're definitely different. They're hard, but they're not overly fast, and sort of interesting you hit a chip and it bounces, but it doesn't get away from you. It's definitely -- I would say there's not as much grain because they're new, but still good surfaces.

Q. You've done well in this tournament. Tied 6th, tied 8th over the past few years, what is it about this layout that brings out the best in you?
CHARLEY HOFFMAN: I think it's the sort of course that's like a horse with blinders for me. You only have one shot off the tee. You have to hit this shot. Then the green you have to hit this shot. Your decision is made up for you before you get there. I'm just out there running, and hopefully I can play good.

Q. You've got to be happy with the way you played today?
CHARLEY HOFFMAN: I hit two great shots in 18, I thought I hit a good chip, and it got away from me, and had a putt that lipped out. All in all, happy with the day. Got off to a good start, made a couple of good putts from just off the green to start the round. And anytime you shoot 3-under par at Hilton Head, you've got to be happy.

Q. You've got to be especially happy with rain in the forecast for the second round?
CHARLEY HOFFMAN: You play one round at a time. Obviously tomorrow is going to be a little bit windy and a little bit rainy and we'll with see what happens. Obviously there's going to be a group of guys going off before me and see how they play and adjust from there.

Q. You saw the greens for the first time yesterday. How are they playing today? I know they're different from last year?
CHARLEY HOFFMAN: They did a nice redesign here, and the greens are firm. The greens are always a little bit firmer, and they're hard to get quality golf shots into. You come up short or stop really kind of quick, and others bounce away from you. It was hard picking clubs, but everybody is having the same challenges.

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Rev #1 by #178 at 2016-04-14 17:43:00 GMT

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