RBC Heritage

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Matt Kuchar

Quick Quotes

Q. Bogey-free today, obviously that's got to be pretty nice?
MATT KUCHAR: It's windy. It's tricky. The hard thing about this golf course when it's windy is sometimes it's so hard to feel. If you keep the ball below the trees, it may not be affected much. But if you get the ball above the tree line the wind can really take over. A bogey-free round in these conditions was great playing.

Q. What's it like coming here after the Masters, is this a bit of a decompression for you?
MATT KUCHAR: It's one of my favorite weeks. I love coming here. I golf the golf course. I stay with good friends. We know a lot of people in the area. It's a fun week, but certainly it's not a hit and giggle. This is a tournament that is really high on my list of tournaments to win. And was thrilled to be able to put my name on the list of champions and would like to keep it going, and playing with Davis Love, a five-time champion. I would love to have a record like him around this place.

Q. What is it that you love about this golf course so much?
MATT KUCHAR: It's totally unique. And so different from anything we play all year. It's so tight, with the tree lines the way they are. You step up on the tee and you know exactly what you have to do. The hole is just framed with all the trees on both the right and left side. You know the shots you have to hit. I enjoy trying to make sure I hit the proper shots in the proper part of the fairways. Even if you miss, you generally have a fun recovery shot that you can attempt to pull off. It's a fun golf course to play.

Q. With the change in the greens, Luke Donald made a comment, he said he basically threw his old yardage book away and came here with a new one because he didn't want to have any reminiscing of what he had done in the past. Did you do something similar or something different?
MATT KUCHAR: I looked at a couple of old notes in my book on the practice rounds and thought they were close. The greens roll beautifully. The most challenging thing is the firmness of the greens and trying to get distances right. But as far as putting, they roll beautifully, and seem to have very similar characteristics. The greens may be different because it's early. But the characteristics are very close.

Q. Being an RBC ambassador, do you feel any extra pressure to perform well?
MATT KUCHAR: You want to perform well every week. We're professional and we want to play well every week. It's certainly nice when it works out that we play well here, but we all want to do well every week.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
Rev #1 by #178 at 2016-04-14 17:50:00 GMT

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