RBC Heritage

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Johnson Wagner

Quick Quotes

Q. How did you find the course? There's been a lot of talk about the reworking of the course and the new grasses. How did you find it?
JOHNSON WAGNER: It's beautiful. The fairways are playing real nice. The greens are kind of bouncy in spots but they were holding good shots. Downwind you had to prepare for a little release. It's exactly the way you'd want to play. The golf course is tough when you get back in those alleys, the wind feels like it's everywhere. It was a great day.

Q. Five birdies on the first day. 3-under, most acceptable under these conditions, as you just mentioned. But you made some pretty good up-and-downs to close out the round, especially at 18. You're in a tough spot in that bunker short of this green?
JOHNSON WAGNER: Had a lot of room to work it. It wasn't too bad. I thought I hit a good shot in there. Maybe got a gust. Yeah, it was good. I made two bogeys. I was in the center of the fairway with a wedge and a 9-iron. But everybody is going to think about shots lost out here today. I'm happy with the birdies, and it's a good, solid opening round.

Q. Talk about today's round. Obviously you're happy with 3-under?
JOHNSON WAGNER: Yeah, it was a good day. The golf course played really nice. The house I'm staying at this week has trees right next to my window. And all night I heard howling winds and trees clamoring against my window. At about 2 in the morning when I woke up from it, I definitely would have taken 3-under.

The wind was not as bad as we expected. And hopefully we'll get lucky again tomorrow with the weather. It's always a pleasure playing here.

Q. Pretty happy with where you're sitting heading into tomorrow with rain in the forecast?
JOHNSON WAGNER: Absolutely. I was just trying to go off today, minimize mistakes and make some birdies and just kind of keep hanging around. You never know with this kind of weather coming in, what's going to be a good score or not. So I'm happy I took advantage of somewhat benign conditions this morning.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
Rev #1 by #178 at 2016-04-14 18:22:00 GMT

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