RBC Heritage

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Jason Day

Quick Quotes


Q. Jason, opening with a 67, tough break there on 18, what did you see, what happened?
JASON DAY: Yeah, it was a tough break, it was a little bit unlucky, but I shouldn't have been in that bunker. It's unfortunate, but things happen. When you drop it in a hazard, the ball plugged, and I made a bunker shot out and holed the putt. With that blemish, I played good up to that point, so I'm not too disappointed. I played very nicely throughout the whole day to shoot 67.

Q. You had an intense month, a couple of wins in a row, you played in the Masters last week. What's your energy level like at this point?
JASON DAY: It's kind of low. But you've just got to suck it up and just get through this week. And at this point I've got to try to extend the gap in the world rankings. That's my main focus right now is to keep up the good playing, and if I can do that hopefully I'll get more of a gap between myself and Jordan and Rory, as well. That's kind of the main focus. I have the week off next week so I can relax.

Q. Got some Presidents Cup news over the last couple of days, Nick Price will return as the captain for the International side. What was your reaction when you found out?
JASON DAY: Very pleased. I saw earlier in the presser this week that it was kind of unanimous between all the players that were on the team last year, and even going back a couple of years. I mean two Presidents Cups ago that everyone was so happy to have Nick as the captain, and even the assistant captains, Tony and Marcus, K.J. last year was fantastic. But I think with the point changes starting to make it a little more exciting for us. We are definitely looking forward to 2017 and beyond, and the future of the Cup as well.

Q. Other than 18 I thought that round of golf was spectacular. Tee to green you putted well, you were knocking them close to the flags. What did you think?
JASON DAY: Yeah, I played some nice golf. I came out and nearly missed my tee time, there was only one clock. I walked over pretty quickly and hit my first one down the fairway. But for the most part I felt good all day. And obviously wasn't what I wanted to do with how I finished. Unfortunately I shouldn't have been in the bunker in the first place to get that unlucky break. But today was the easiest day. Now we've got three tough days coming up, with Friday and Saturday being probably the toughest. And Sunday dying down a little bit with the wind. But right now I'm just trying to focus on getting some sleep and trying to improve on that tomorrow.

Q. What's it like mentally to come from a major, where you were in contention on a golf course that this week is a lot narrower, it's more precise, how do you handle that?
JASON DAY: Well, I mean I wasn't too pleased with how I was hitting it, especially on Sunday of last week. So I got in Monday and practiced for about three and a half hours and got a good hitting session in. And that helped a lot with the confidence knowing what I needed to do. And it showed a little bit today.

Yeah, it's always tough to play the week after a major championship. I did it last year, after The Open Championship, and obviously the Canadian Open. So I think if I can do that then this shouldn't be too hard, right?

Obviously everyone is out here to try to do a job and that's win. It's going to be tough competition over the next three days. But once again the weather is going to be a big factor in that. More of a mental grind and physical grind than anything, you've just got to keep yourself in it.

Q. I remember calling that putt on 18 at the Canadian Open when you wrapped it up. If that turns out like this week, it would be pretty good?
JASON DAY: Yeah, it definitely would. Right now I've just got to keep pushing forward, trying to grab the birdies when I can, especially over the next two days. But if I have an opportunity like at the Canadian Open that would be pretty special.

Q. Talk about the lie on 18?
JASON DAY: Lucky, I had 180 odd yards to the pin. And right now it's really difficult to try and feel what the wind is doing, especially with the houses and the trees down the right side of the fairway. You look at 17, I watched Webb Simpson hit a wedge over the back of the green, and it handed short of the pin and rolled over it. So it must be pretty firm with the wind coming up the 18th.

Unlucky break, but once again I shouldn't have been in the bunker. I was just glad to get out of there with a 5 instead of a 6, so I'm not too far behind the leaders.

Q. You had to feel like you were praying pretty well?
JASON DAY: Yeah, I felt great. When I was out of position I got myself up around the greens and hit good chips or hit good putts, kind of kept it out in front of myself and took care of the opportunities that I had. I missed a couple but for the most part I played very solid all day and obviously the blemishes, not the way I wanted to finish, but we're going to make bogeys this week. And that's the unfortunate side of things. But you've just got to keep pushing forward and grinding. I know the next three days are going to be tough.

Q. What do you expect with the conditions tomorrow?
JASON DAY: They say it's going to gust at times 40 miles an hour; 20 to 30 mile an hour winds with rain, it should be very difficult. But you've got to suck it up, I guess. You can't run away from it. I'm going to have to wake up tomorrow at some point, and I may as well just come out and play the best I can. That's all you can do, really.

Q. What's the shift in gears like for you the week after a major, what's it like coming here?
JASON DAY: It's obviously a little bit of a change. There were a lot of people out today. It was great to see the fans. Obviously they love this tournament. And they love the PGA Tour coming to town. But it can be difficult at times with energy levels and feeling like -- I feel like I should have a week off, especially mentally, grinding, what we had last week as a tournament was really tough. And we're going to have similar conditions this week.

But I keep saying to myself I've got to somehow keep playing well to try and extend the gap between myself and Jordan and Rory. I'd love to grind it out and try to get a W here. That's the main goal. But right now after the first round I feel pretty happy and pleased about how everything went.

Q. How tough did it get out there in the afternoon with the cold and wind?
JASON DAY: Yeah, it did get tough, but I'm sure the guys early this morning had it just as tough, as well. We've had pretty similar conditions. There was less breeze this morning, but it gradually got more and more. But it's tough. You've got to take what you get out there. And it's a tough golf course in regards if you hit it above the trees the wind affects it. If you hit it below the trees it doesn't affect it as much. So the precision of shot that you're hitting into greens or hitting off the tee have to be the correct shot that you're planning to do. If it doesn't, and you hit it either high or low, it's either long or short of where you need to be. So there's that factor that comes into it. So you've got to make sure you stay very mentally sharp when it comes to this golf course.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
Rev #1 by #178 at 2016-04-14 22:32:00 GMT

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