RBC Heritage

Friday, April 15, 2016

Jerry Kelly

Quick Quotes

Q. Nice playing today. You had three birdies right away in the first seven holes, what were you doing well this morning?
JERRY KELLY: I believe just keeping the ball within the trees, that's kind of all you have to do here. I like to keep it below the tops of the trees so you don't get surprised what happens up above.

It's just a course that if you give me borders I'm usually fairly good at staying within those borders. Sometimes these really big golf courses where you can hit it everywhere, I lose my sense of spatial there. It seems like we're playing down a hallway here, and I like it.

Q. There's been a lot of talk that there's going to be bad rain, wind. How did you find the conditions on Friday morning?
JERRY KELLY: I was extremely happy. I do not hit balls hard enough or spin the ball enough off the tee shots that if it's raining and windy I'm in deep, deep trouble. So very happy that the rain wasn't here. I didn't hit the ball particularly well, but like I said, just played golf, easy shots around everywhere I could, instead of trying to take too much on.

Q. Are you satisfied with where you are, 3-under?
JERRY KELLY: No, I let some get away yesterday, I let a few more get away today. Overall today I was better than yesterday, but there's still plenty to clean up.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
Rev #1 by #178 at 2016-04-15 15:55:00 GMT

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