RBC Heritage

Friday, April 15, 2016

Lucas Glover

Quick Quotes

Q. I know you didn't like the bogey on the last, but still good position going into the weekend.
LUCAS GLOVER: Yeah, I played well. I played well today and actually got a very good break on 18, the ball didn't plug. It was sitting up so good on top of the pitch mark that I couldn't really hit it hard enough to get it to the hole. I've never had that.

Crazy winds, but Harbour Town is Harbour Town. You've got to hit it in the fairway, hit it on the greens, and I was able to do that a lot yesterday and today.

Q. Particularly tough day from some of the days you've had out here. Seemed like the winds were swirling a little extra.
LUCAS GLOVER: Common direction up and down. So it was just sometimes you catch a gust, sometimes it lays down. It was never just constant. We had the direction down, it was just whether it was blowing 10 or 20, which is sometimes worse. But it's what you expect. Golf is an outdoor sport, and we're on the coast, so it's going to blow a little bit.

Q. Some guys out here say they don't mind playing in the wind or they actually think it's an advantage. What are your thoughts playing out here in the gusts?
LUCAS GLOVER: I don't mind it. My stats show I hit it pretty good. So the guys that hit it pretty good don't mind wind, because usually they hit it pretty solid and it doesn't affect it too much. If you're playing well and striking the ball well you don't mind. If you're scraping it a little bit it's harder. But it's not easy out here for anybody.

Q. These greens are getting firmer after the renovation. Anything else?
LUCAS GLOVER: Yeah, there's some different breaks out there. Some little subtle things that play in that you think is going to happen and it doesn't. I had a 10, 12-footer on 18. Every time I had that putt before with that right hole location it went left. And this one veered right. So that's maybe a little newness and a little change. But it looks great. They did a great job.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
Rev #1 by #178 at 2016-04-15 21:14:00 GMT

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