RBC Heritage

Friday, April 15, 2016

Chris Kirk

Quick Quotes

Q. Chris, six birdies today, you're right in the thick of things now. Under these conditions, though, you've got to be awfully pleased with the way you played golf today?
CHRIS KIRK: Yeah, I really did well. I hit a lot of really solid iron shots. I made some adjustments early in the week with some of the PXG guys, and it really helped out in the winds today.

Q. Let's talk about the 17th, in particular, and your strong finish. Your chip in for birdie, tell us about that?
CHRIS KIRK: I hit what I thought was a really nice iron shot. The greens are just so firm, it just ran over and into kind of a tricky lie there. But thankfully came out right.

Q. We look forward to the weekend now. What does the weather hold in store? What does the course hold in store? How do you look at things?
CHRIS KIRK: Yeah, you never know. I was figuring today was going to be a much worse day than it was. We were able to dodge the rain, thankfully. It's nice to think that it can always be worse, I guess.

Q. What did you foresee for today was possible?
CHRIS KIRK: Yeah, I wouldn't have guessed that I could really go out and shoot 5-under today. But thankfully even with the 25 mile an hour winds or whatever, there are enough holes on this golf course going through the trees where you can guess it right.

Q. For you, what parts of your game really stand out for a golf course like this?
CHRIS KIRK: I hit a lot of nice iron shots. I made a few adjustments early in the week with my irons with some of the PXG guys to hit them better in the wind and it paid off.

Q. For you tomorrow what's your mindset as you go through, what is your intention here?
CHRIS KIRK: Just go have a solid day. I'm not much of a goal setter. I'm all about process. So just going to come out tomorrow and play as well as I can. That sounds like a cliche, but that's all there is to it.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
Rev #1 by #178 at 2016-04-15 21:43:00 GMT

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