RBC Heritage

Friday, April 15, 2016

Jason Bohn

Quick Quotes

Q. Jason, nice comeback today, after yesterday. Talk about today's round?
JASON BOHN: Yeah, today was probably a little bit more difficult than yesterday's round, to be honest. I think I struck the ball a little bit cleaner. I got it up and down a few times when I really needed to. I actually felt like I really had a chance to shoot 4-, 5-, 6-under par today. I let I think a couple of wedge shots go.

But really proud of the way I kind of hung in there. To par the last couple of holes coming in out here, being this windy in these conditions was great for me. It brought the adrenaline back.

Q. You wound up playing ON the weekend. You had to make the cut, so I know you were thinking about that after yesterday. How important was that to play on the weekend?
JASON BOHN: You know what, I was thinking about it and I think that's good, because that's normal for me. Any guy that goes out and shoots three or four over the first day, and thinks, okay, I've got to get myself to the cut first, and then try to get back in the tournament on the weekend and just have a good finish.

So this was really -- this was a big round of golf for me.

Q. Do you feel good?
JASON BOHN: Feel awesome, actually. I can tell you the last couple of holes coming in I felt it, which is great. It's good. I put a little stress on the old ticker today, so that's good.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
Rev #1 by #178 at 2016-04-15 22:25:00 GMT

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