RBC Heritage

Friday, April 15, 2016

Matt Kuchar

Quick Quotes

Q. Let's talk about the round. Nine consecutive pars there on the back side. Pretty consistent, you have to be pleased with that?
MATT KUCHAR: Yeah, it was really tricky. I think it was supposed to be rainy and really windy. The no rain was nice. And it wasn't quite as windy as the 40 mile an hour gusts that were predicted. But still very tricky out there. An even par round is a nice day.

Q. Talk about tomorrow, now, because the weather could be similar, the winds. It's going to be kind of a similar deal, isn't it?
MATT KUCHAR: Yeah, I imagine it will be very similar to today. You make par on a hole and you walk off very pleased. It's difficult to judge around here because you play in the trees, and if the ball gets above the trees, it really gets affected. If it's below the trees, sometimes it might not be affected. It's a tricky thing to judge.

Q. You're a popular guy wherever you go, but especially here. All the people are yelling at you. That's got to pump you up. That's got to be a somewhat positive?
MATT KUCHAR: It's really fun. It's such a great tournament. The tournament gets such great support from the local crowds. Being a past champion it's nice to have a little extra support and a lot of fan excitement out there.

Q. It's got to be about the shoes. If you win this thing again, they're going to match perfectly with the plaid on the shoes.
MATT KUCHAR: I have to put these up in the clubhouse if I win, here. Sketchers has been a great partner, and they do some fun things for me. I've gotten some great comments on the plaid shoes this week.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
Rev #1 by #178 at 2016-04-15 22:29:00 GMT

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