RBC Heritage

Friday, April 15, 2016

Luke Donald

Quick Quotes

Q. You said you leaned on your short game a little bit today.
LUKE DONALD: I had to, yeah. I missed a couple of greens on the front nine. Got up and down on 18. Got up and down on 7. Up and down on 3. I had lean on my short game a little bit.

Q. A little partial to that up and down at 7, that bunker shot from a hundred feet away?
LUKE DONALD: I liked that one, that was tasty.

Q. How are you feeling about the weekend now and these conditions? Boy, it just got colder and windier as the day went on. You might see a little bit of that on the weekend, too?
LUKE DONALD: I think it's going to be blowing again tomorrow. It will be a good test. Just more of the same. Just need to make some birdies.

Q. Even par today. There were some scores out here, but by the same token you're still in contention. How do you feel in a general sense about today?
LUKE DONALD: I was excited about my last nine holes. Going through the back nine, my front nine, at 2-over par, and not really feeling very good about my ball-striking.

But I feel like I'm in position. I'm happy with the way I played coming in.

Q. Your short game has always been historical here. You talked about that really wanting to show up on the golf course. It certainly did on 7, what did that do for you?
LUKE DONALD: Again, you don't want to drop one around here. I had some good saves today. I could have made a couple of putts, but all in all a pretty solid score, all things considered.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
Rev #1 by #178 at 2016-04-15 22:40:00 GMT

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