RBC Heritage

Saturday, April 16, 2016

Jason Kokrak

Quick Quotes

Q. Hot start in the first five holes. Talk about your round today.
JASON KOKRAK: Gives me a little bit of a cushion out here. You're going to make bogeys. It's just I made a bad three-putt on 8 there and made a couple of nice par saves coming in. It's just one of those things, that if you can make a couple of birdies it gives you a little bit of a cushion.

Tomorrow is going to be a little different story. I don't think it's going to blow quite as much. Looking forward to tomorrow, and hopefully we can bring it home.

Q. You were saying the conditions today may have been more difficult than yesterday. Why was that?
JASON KOKRAK: I think the greens firmed up a little bit more. The wind was definitely up I think a little bit more, but the sun was out. So they're a little bit more baked out than they were yesterday. It's one of those things that downwind shots, if you don't land anything upslope or into the grain spot, it's going to be very difficult to hold the green.

Q. Tomorrow if it doesn't blow as much, does your game plan change a little bit?
JASON KOKRAK: No, not around here. You've got to put it in the middle of the fairway, give yourself birdie opportunities. You're going to make a couple. Just give yourself a birdie opportunity on every hole, and that's all you can ask out here on Tour, especially on this golf course.

Q. Jason, you have a reputation as a long hitter, and this is not a course that's not really built for long hitters. Why has this performance been good for you, the last 36 holes, one bogey?
JASON KOKRAK: I love this golf course. I've been rolling a couple of the par savers in. I feel comfortable. The greens are rolling pretty good. A couple of not so great spots, but overall the course is in great shape.

It's just one of those weeks that I feel comfortable. I've got family here this week. I got a nice home-cooked meal last night.

I love the golf course, I put a 2-iron in the bag and just send it down the middle of the fairway. If you can keep it in play on this golf course you're going to give yourself an opportunity.

Q. You got in the mix at the Northern Trust just a month or two ago and may be back in it again. What have you been doing different this part of the year?
JASON KOKRAK: Nothing too different. I'm just trying not to put too much pressure on myself. Not shooting at flags where I don't need to. Giving myself as many birdie opportunities as I can.

Everybody out here is a good putter. Some are better than others. But if you're going to slop home a couple, you're better off on the green than off. I just keep giving myself opportunities, make a couple, and eliminate the stupid mistakes, I think is the major key.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
Rev #1 by #178 at 2016-04-16 21:05:00 GMT

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