RBC Heritage

Saturday, April 16, 2016

Bryson DeChambeau

Quick Quotes

Q. Talk about your round today, you got off to a beautiful start?
BRYSON DeCHAMBEAU: That's what I was expecting to do, and hoped to do, as well. Just the driver cost me today. I was flying it out to the right with that bullet ball, and made it out of bounds and it shifted the momentum the other way.

Again, the momentum is killing me for some reason out there. I'm trying to make a nonemotional execution, and still get a little emotional out there, and ultimately made not the greatest swing on 7. Didn't get up and down on 8. Not a great driver swing there, either. And shot even, after a blistering 3-under for four or five holes. It was disappointing.

Couldn't get anything going on the back nine. I knew if I could got a couple going in the back, I would be just fine. Unfortunately got really unlucky with my drive, left it out to the right again on 15 and got right behind a tree. And that's just the game. It's the game.

And, look, I know I'm good enough to do it out there, it's just a matter of things falling my way and executing every single shot.

Q. What's your strategy tomorrow heading in?
BRYSON DeCHAMBEAU: I've got to go out there firing. I'm going to be going at some flags and, look, I've got to make some putts. I haven't made putts all week this week. And it's been quite disappointing. I haven't made a putt from outside 10, 15 feet, something like that. So it's not particularly the best putting week but it is what it is and if I can get something going tomorrow, you never know.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
Rev #1 by #178 at 2016-04-16 21:26:00 GMT

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