RBC Heritage

Saturday, April 16, 2016

Jason Day

Quick Quotes

Q. Obviously a really tough day, and No. 1 in the world. Can you just explain it?
JASON DAY: What are you saying? Put you on the spot, didn't I?

Q. It was a difficult day. And it's quite a surprise.
JASON DAY: It's tough. It's obviously not the way I wanted to play. I knew something was up when my ball on the third hole hit a tree and bounced 80 yards right into the hazard. And then from there just got a couple of bad breaks. And then kind of the head wasn't quite there after that. And it's really tough to fight that. It happens. Obviously I can't do anything about it now, I've just got to improve on it tomorrow and see how it goes.

Q. You weren't the only one that struggled. What did you tell yourself to try to break the string?
JASON DAY: I don't think it was much of me telling myself anything. I really wanted to stay out of Kevin's way. I know that he really wants to win a tournament. He's had two second place finishes already this year. And my bad play, I just felt like it may have affected him. And I just wanted to make sure I got out of the way. I'm just trying to get the score as best I can. And unfortunately it was a 79.

Q. How will you approach be tomorrow, then?
JASON DAY: It's going to be easier conditions, I hope. The wind looks like it's going to die down. But just got to come out and try to shoot low, something low, at least, and give myself opportunities. I felt like there was a good score out there today if you hit it in the right spots. And unfortunately I just kept missing it in the wrong spots and not getting up and down. My chipping and putting was nonexistent today and that's why I shot 79.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
Rev #1 by #178 at 2016-04-16 22:34:00 GMT

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