RBC Heritage

Saturday, April 16, 2016

Charley Hoffman

Quick Quotes

Q. You played spectacular golf all day long. A couple of stumbles at the end. How do you feel about today's round?
CHARLEY HOFFMAN: Good. I got off to a great start. Birdied the first two, made a couple of nice putts and stumbled in the middle of the round. Made some nice birdies around the turn. And obviously a bogey on 10 was sloppy. Made some great par saves in the middle of the round. Made a great birdie on 16. Thought the momentum was going to go my way. I thought I made a great shot on 17 that didn't turn out. On 18 I actually thought I hit a good one in there and went five feet short from going over the edge. And finally hit a good bunker shot and the next thing you know I made two bogeys.

Q. You've been putting yourself in contention quite a bit this year. Been struggling a bit, I think it's fair to say, on the weekends. What's been getting in your way on the weekends?
CHARLEY HOFFMAN: I think struggling is a nice way to put it. I've been getting in my own way. Hopefully I can reach down deep. I know I've done it before. And hopefully can do it again. Obviously the conditions are tough. You've got to be patient. The greens are hard as a rock. And you've just got to hit quality golf shots and get it on the fairway. Hopefully I've got a chance coming down the stretch tomorrow to show you what I've got.

Q. Obviously some really good scores. How do you sum up what this day was like?
CHARLEY HOFFMAN: It was windy and swirling out there. The greens are firm. I got off to a great start, birdied the first couple. A couple bad judgments on wind and made a couple of bogeys. Then I got it back with a couple more birdies. And made a couple good par saves on the back nine. And unfortunately didn't make any par saves coming in. I hit some good shots, all in all drove it pretty well. Hit my spots for the most part into the greens and gave myself good opportunities. And obviously I think I'm one back. It's not going to kill me.

Q. You talked about the fact that you stalled a little bit on the weekends recently. How good does it feel to maintain a position or at least keep yourself right there with the leader?
CHARLEY HOFFMAN: You know, I felt good. I made a couple of bogeys in the middle of the round. I'm just trying to not get in my own way and have fun. I always play good golf when I have fun. I'm going to go out and have fun, no matter what happens, trying to make the best out of it, even if you hit a bad shot. We'll see if that can work on the weekend. Obviously I've won before and I know what it takes to win. I think I've been trying too hard. And I've been having fun at Hilton Head, and this is a fun place to be relaxed, and hopefully I can carry that on into tomorrow.

Q. What's the game plan going to look like if the conditions are anywhere close to this?
CHARLEY HOFFMAN: It's tough out there. You're going to see guys make a lot of birdies. You're going to have a lot of wedges in, good shots off the tee. If you get out of position on this golf course it's hard to get up and down. I don't see anybody going real low. But there's a ton of people within reaching distance to win, that's for sure.

You have to make quality golf shots. Unfortunately I wasn't able to hit good chips coming down the stretch.

Q. Exciting birdie at 16, rolling in that long one. How are you feeling about tomorrow right in the thick of this fight?
CHARLEY HOFFMAN: I've got to keep doing what I'm doing. Hit a lot of fairways and hit a lot of greens.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
Rev #1 by #178 at 2016-04-16 22:57:00 GMT

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