RBC Heritage

Saturday, April 16, 2016

Patton Kizzire

Quick Quotes

Q. Talk about today. How difficult were the conditions and how pleased are you at 71?
PATTON KIZZIRE: Fairly pleased. They were really tough. The greens are getting really firm. It's hard to hold the ball on the greens. It was a hard fought day. I made some nice par putts. I'm in the mix and have a chance tomorrow.

Q. Let's talk about tomorrow, because you're in a position. You've won before, obviously everywhere else. Tomorrow a Hilton Head opportunity. Talk about that opportunity?
PATTON KIZZIRE: I look forward to these opportunities. That's why I'm playing. It's another opportunity. Hopefully it's not do or die or anything, but I want to hold the trophy, I want a plaid jacket. It's going to be fun. It's going to be a good test.

Q. The wind machine will still be on tomorrow.

Q. When your last birdie is on 4, usually you're going to get lapped on Saturday. Describe what it was like for you out there and how you were able to hang on?
PATTON KIZZIRE: I didn't realize my last birdie was No. 4, that's a long time ago. I knew it was tough out there so I wasn't trying to press. I had to play away from the hole a few times and make a long putt for birdie. That's what I did, I just stayed patient. I'm still in the mix for tomorrow. I'm looking forward to that.

Q. For someone that is just starting your career as you are, how did you learn that patience? Particularly because obviously anytime you're trying to get that win on a PGA Tour, some people get anxious.
PATTON KIZZIRE: I hadn't exactly just started my career. I'm 30 years old. My PGA Tour career is pretty young. I've learned it over the years. I've played a lot of tournament golf. I started really young playing a lot of tournaments. It's been a long, long learning experience.

Q. How much did last year help you?
PATTON KIZZIRE: I've been able to win at every level. And I plan on doing it here. Last year was huge. I've been in the mix so many times, and to finally breakthrough. And after the first win in Utah, (inaudible.) There's a lot of good players, and everybody is really good. It felt like it came a little bit more naturally to me. So I learned a lot from the Web.com Tour and they prepared me big time for the PGA Tour. And I'm excited about seeing what I can do tomorrow.

Q. What are your expectations?
PATTON KIZZIRE: I'm going to play as well as I can. I'd love to get a plaid jacket. I've dreamed about winning trophies and jackets, and all kinds of stuff. I'm going to try to pick off some birdies when they come and limit mistakes. And hopefully I'm real nervous there on No. 18.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
Rev #1 by #178 at 2016-04-16 23:04:00 GMT

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