RBC Heritage

Sunday, April 17, 2016

Jason Day

Quick Quotes

Q. Jason, nice bounce back round this afternoon. Your thoughts on how you played at 3-under, 68?
JASON DAY: I played good. Just one blemish on the scorecard on the par-3. But for the most part played pretty decent. Yeah, I mean yesterday was kind of an off day, but it was nice to get a good round under par, especially after yesterday and get a break now.

Q. The golf course setup today, what did you think of it, and what might these guys who are just teeing off be facing?
JASON DAY: If the wind conditions pick up they're going to be very difficult. The greens are very firm, bouncing pretty firm and they're fast, too. 16 and 17 -- 18, more so 16 and 17 are the key holes, if you can get through that stretch there. Because 16 is a sneaky, difficult pin location. And then 17, you have to land it perfectly to keep it on the green.

It just depends on how the winds conditions are. But I think if they die down, which I think they're forecasting to, should make it a little easier for the guys. But once again you're trying to win a tournament, so it's always tough.

Q. What is your schedule after this?
JASON DAY: It's up in the air, really. I'm just trying to figure out what's the best schedule for me going forward to make sure that I'm well rested but also coming into a tournament best prepared.

So right now I'm just trying to think about it. I've got to sit down with the team and go over it again because it's getting pretty busy, and I'm going to sit back and assess. Because the last four to five weeks have been very, very busy from the Arnold Palmer -- it's been busy the whole year, but I've only been home ten days since December 28th. I haven't been playing much golf, but I've been on the road preparing for each and every tournament that I'm preparing for. So it's been a long trip up until now so I'm looking forward to getting some time off.

Q. Are you looking forward to taking some time away from golf?
JASON DAY: Yes and no. I'm definitely going to hit the gym again. The way my body has been moving through my golf swing I'm not quite happy with. I've lost a lot of weight and I've lost a lot of muscle mass in my body. And it just feels a little too loose. So I'm going to get in the gym and try and tighten everything up there and try to add a little bit more weight next week.

And then from there the work that I've done to get to this point, I've been working very, very hard, so if I take time off then I'm behind schedule. I need to make sure that I keep that work ethic up, trying to work on everything that I usually do, because once I take -- a normal practice week, and kind of, I guess, take less practice, over time it will slowly catch up to me. And I can't afford that, especially being in the position that I'm at right now, especially with the upcoming majors that are coming in the mid-season and the Olympics and all that stuff.

Q. Do you think yesterday was part of some bad habits creeping in, and if so, what went better today?
JASON DAY: I think it was more of a -- I think it was an accumulation of everything. Something went wrong on 3, and it hit the tree and went 60 yards right to the hazard. And that kind of set my mindset off, knowing that I had a break coming up, as well.

Speaking of that, how good it's going to be having some time off. And then just not quite mentally as sharp yesterday as I have been on the first, second and fourth round this week.

So, yes, you would call that a bad habit mentally. I think just going through it and just going through my round yesterday I could have shot something lower than what I shot but I played bad. I can't say anything more.

Q. Is it nice to get a round in today, to kind of leave here with better thoughts and get that round behind you faster?
JASON DAY: Yeah, I've always enjoyed coming here, especially the years that I've played. I think it's a great golf course. It's a really good test to come and see how your game's at. But, yeah, it's always nice to have -- I had three great rounds and just one really, really poor round that put me out of the tournament.

So a lot of positive stuff coming out of this week. I can't look at the third round yesterday that shot me out of the tournament. But I did some great things this week, especially coming off the back end of a major, and the back end off two wins. A lot of positive stuff. I've just got to get back, just rest my mind, rest my body, and try and get back in the swing of things.

Q. You said your schedule is up in the air, but will Quail Hollow be in the equation?
JASON DAY: I have no idea. I was talking to everyone last night and that I said earlier that I've been on the road -- since December 28th, I've only had ten days at home, other than that I've been on the road. Ten days in what is it, since mid-April, is not a lot of time at home. Granted, I try and play the best I can at each and every tournament that I play in. So I'm not making any excuses for not being home. But I just need to get some time home and kind of recover and rest up.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
Rev #1 by #178 at 2016-04-17 19:43:00 GMT

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