RBC Heritage

Sunday, April 17, 2016

Bryson DeChambeau

Quick Quotes

Q. Spectacular finish today, 3-under, 68. Thoughts on how you played?
BRYSON DeCHAMBEAU: I putted a lot better than the last few days. Unfortunately my driver was kind of giving out today. I'll definitely work on that for next week. It was definitely fun to see some putts go in.

Q. Sum up the week for me. What was it like for you? Coming off the Masters, you kind of got on the national map there, if you notice the cap, the golf game, and you came here to make your professional debut. Sum it up for me.
BRYSON DeCHAMBEAU: It's tough to really sum up. But what I can tell you it's been quite a journey so far these past couple of weeks. It's an honor to be playing out here with these big boys, trying to do my best. Hopefully I can keep competing out there and hopefully I can get a couple of wins out there.

Q. Did it feel any different? Because you played in a lot of these events as an amateur. Did it feel any different because you played in a lot of these events as an amateur? Did it feel any different saying: I am a pro?
BRYSON DeCHAMBEAU: The whole reason we had this internship, per se, is so that I could feel comfortable through the transition. And I think we've done that beautifully. It was nice to finish it off pretty well here and get a top 10 finish.

Q. You got the fan's attention, too, they seemed to love you around here?
BRYSON DeCHAMBEAU: Yeah, absolutely. It's been incredible around here. I'm trying to be as nice to them as possible, because they're really what makes this whole process possible. It wouldn't be possible without them. It is about the fans. And that's what I'm trying to accomplish out there, is to make them feel like they're a part of something cool.

Q. Schedule coming up? I live in Charlotte, are you coming to Wells Fargo?
BRYSON DeCHAMBEAU: Yeah, playing there, and playing next week, as well. Taking a week off, I think.

Q. Overall, great finish. Great way to debut. Can you talk about how you're feeling?
BRYSON DeCHAMBEAU: Great. I played well this week. I had a couple of mishaps, but that's golf, that happens. I'm definitely going to learn from it. Hopefully I can capitalize on those mistakes next week.

Q. Looking forward to next week, what are your goals?
BRYSON DeCHAMBEAU: No goals. It's not about that. I think it's more about execution. If I can execute the shots under the gun, I think I'll do just fine.

Q. It was an impressive professional debut for you. And for you, what was the feeling, and did it meet your expectations?
BRYSON DeCHAMBEAU: Yeah, it was great to get through Sunday with a 68. Gives me a lot of confidence going into the next few weeks. It was just fun to be out there playing with some great competitors out there. Hopefully next week I can get it done.

Q. You're going to be able to save a sponsor exemption to get in through the top 10 next week. How much are you thinking about the machinations of trying to get your Tour card without going to Q-School?
BRYSON DeCHAMBEAU: It's not about that. I think it's more about winning championships and doing my best out there each and every shot. If I can accomplish that, that's all that matters. Whether it gives me my card, great. Whether it doesn't, great. I'm not worried about that, I'm trying to do the absolute best I can.

Q. What do you take out of this week?
BRYSON DeCHAMBEAU: Confidence. More and more confidence each and every week. 21st last week. Top 10 this week. And just getting there.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
Rev #1 by #178 at 2016-04-17 21:16:00 GMT

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