RBC Heritage

Sunday, April 17, 2016

Russell Knox

Quick Quotes

Q. 2-under, 67. There weren't a lot of other better rounds out there today. Your thoughts about how you went after this golf course?
RUSSELL KNOX: Yeah, I know I've been playing well the last three days. I knew I had the potential to shoot a good round. I golfed a great start, the front nine. And then I knew the back nine was going to play tough. And shooting even par on the back nine was a great score. Some of those greens are so firm and tough to hit. And I had two great par saves, a nice way to finish.

Q. The 12th hole, you're on the front of the green there, and you have to get out a wedge to get it to the back hole location, that's how tough the hole was.
RUSSELL KNOX: Yeah, it caught a huge gust. It wasn't a great position to be in. I made a good attempt to make par.

Q. I noticed your putting stats got a lot better over the weekend. You said after Friday you had brought some friends in, coaches, really worked hard on the putting. It seemed to pay off?
RUSSELL KNOX: Yeah, absolutely. Practice actually works. And I think I'm going to have to dedicate myself to do it more often.

I was thrilled with the way I putted this week, especially after the first day. I didn't putt very good that day. And the last three days I'm proud of myself. I put in some time and actually figured out how to make a few.

Q. 67 for the day. Obviously you played well. What do you take away on what you were able to accomplish today?
RUSSELL KNOX: Yeah, I'm thrilled. I played a great round of golf. I made one bogey and five birdies. These greens the last couple of holes are so firm that it's almost impossible to hit it close. I'm thrilled with that.

Q. Overall, with the wind you've talked about really continuing to be that type of player, what does it say this week that you were able to navigate what was a difficult track?
RUSSELL KNOX: I love playing in the wind. The conditions this week were extremely difficult. This course is tough. But it's perfect for me. It's one of my favorite courses. I expected to play well. And I'm sure glad I did.

Q. When are you up next and what are your thoughts about the way that you're playing going into the serious major season?
RUSSELL KNOX: Yeah, I might take a few weeks off right now. I'm looking forward to The PLAYERS, that might be my next start. It will be nice to put my feet up on the couch.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
Rev #1 by #178 at 2016-04-17 21:34:00 GMT

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