DEAN & DELUCA Invitational

Friday, May 26, 2017

Ryan Palmer

Quick Quotes

Q. (In progress.)
RYAN PALMER: Yeah, today was a result of some work I did last night, ball striking for sure. I had so many putts burn edges.

But made a lot of good putts that I need to, shorts ones, or it could have gone a wrong direction. But, yeah. I had a lot that could have gone in today. I survived. Shouldn't be that much work but it was a lot today.

We survived I think, so good weekend ahead.

Q. How cool was it to see the ropes filled with the pink shirts?
RYAN PALMER: Yeah, no, I knew they were doing that. Everybody back home that supports my foundation and friends from here too. It was pretty special for Jennifer. To show their support for her and me, it was a very special day to see all the pink.

Q. Has she been able to follow you, to walk with you very much since February?
RYAN PALMER: Yeah, no, she -- obviously Dallas. She hasn't traveled as much because kids are in school. Last week obviously and she got to walk yesterday and obviously out there today. I think when she -- I can't wait to see what she thought when she saw it. I know what I thought when I saw it.

It just shows you the friendship that we have back home and also have here in the DFW area.

Q. When you get to the point where you're backing off a little bit on the putts, what are you thinking about, and how did you re-get yourself going for the weekend?
RYAN PALMER: Those are just wind. That's just hearing gusts. You feel the gusts kicking in and you can hear it in the trees. That's all that is. You get over a putt and you start to feel it kicking, and all of a sudden you sit there and start thinking about that. Well, there's no telling what can go on there.

So that's a lot of the backing off. You're going to see it all day. Guys are going to back up all day. I've backed up numerous times just because you start feeling the wind, start hearing it in the trees, and you kind of got to regroup and go back to your routine.

Q. You grew up around the wind, as I have been. You should be used to it.
RYAN PALMER: Nobody is used to it, that is for sure. You get used to it and you know how to hit golf shots in it, but the hardest part is putting when it's windy.

A lot of people saw that with Jordan at the Zurich on Saturday. When that wind is blowing and the greens are getting a little crusty from the heat, it makes that them much tougher, quicker.

You got to just buckle down and stick to your routine, but at times you got to refocus, regroup.

Q. The wind picked up a little earlier today than it did yesterday. Do you expect the cut line to move back?
RYAN PALMER: Yeah, it's supposed to blow this afternoon, upper 20, 30s. It's tough right now and it's not blowing as hard. The gusts come and go. It's tough.

Right now lowest round is 2-Under for the morning wave, and I was talking to the guys in the scoring trailer, tent inside, and they said they can't believe the scores are high.

It was good to get even. I am really very proud, excited how I hit it today. The work I put in on the range afterwards, it showed today.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
Rev #1 by #179 at 2017-05-26 17:44:00 GMT

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