DEAN & DELUCA Invitational

Friday, May 26, 2017

Scott Piercy

Quick Quotes

Q. Congratulations. Had a chance there at the ninth to get it 7-under. Would've vaulted you to the top. 6-under is still a great round of golf.
SCOTT PIERCY: Yeah, I played solid. Was just proud of myself to finish. I was so tired. I haven't been feeling good all week.

After about nine holes I told my caddie, Just get me in the house. Couple sloppy shots coming in, but the putter kind of saved me missing a couple greens and whatnot.

Overall, happy with it. Nice to see the putter show up a little bit. Hit a lot of quality shots today. Felt like I had a good game plan and executed well. Hopefully I can keep doing it for the weekend.

Q. 15, 16, 17, three birdies in a row. You got what, just outside a foot on 16? Take us through those holes.
SCOTT PIERCY: Yeah, 15 was down off the right, so I could hit driver over the bunker. Took driver out, hit it down there. Had like 103 yards, and just flipped a lob wedge in there six, seven feet maybe.

Like I said, I rolled the putter well today from that distance which I struggled with last week. So put some work in.

And then 16, missed it in the right spot, kind of long right on that slope, and came back to about a foot.

17 I hit a flat hybrid down there and just perfect pitching wedge about pin high. It was nice to see 15-footer roll in. And it was right in the middle, so that's nice when you're going in.

Especially after last week. That was a little tough. Going in the right direction.

Q. You said you weren't feeling well. This heat had to be just brutal for you.
SCOTT PIERCY: Yeah, you know, I like the heat a lot. I grew up in the heat in Vegas, so it's really what I want. Just not feeling good. Having a hard time breathing. Your nose is stuffy and runny at the same time. It's like you can't catch a breath. I might've looked like I been taking some deep breaths. That's just because I can't catch my breath.

I've been pounding the medicine and trying to get over this. The heat definitely didn't help today. Get rested for the weekend and be ready to go.

Q. How did the course play today?
SCOTT PIERCY: Played tough. I felt like I hit a lot of quality shots. It was nice making three birdies in a row on my front side today. Then I got one early on the back side, and then just kind of held on for dear life.

The putter showed up a little bit better today and I been working on it. Made a couple changes on Wednesday afternoon, which helped.

It showed today, so I'm excited.

Q. What changes?
SCOTT PIERCY: Just a little bit of ball position. Just move the ball back in my stance a little bit. I was kind of wiping the putt, and so now I am trying to catch it more sold out of the middle.

Q. How was the wind? Has it died down at all?
SCOTT PIERCY: No. I mean, the wind, it was tough. It was up and it was gusty.

On No. 5, I had it right in the middle of fairway just a perfect position. Caught a gust downwind and flew it over the green, which was 15 yards farther than I was trying to hit it.

It's tough it gauge your distances, and especially if you weren't in the fairway. It played tricky out there.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
Rev #1 by #179 at 2017-05-26 23:07:00 GMT

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