DEAN & DELUCA Invitational

Friday, May 26, 2017

Danny Lee

Quick Quotes

Q. The three late birdies that had...
DANNY LEE: After making bogey at -- what hole was it, 15? I 3-putted from 40 feet. It was just tough, tough putt there.

Had a good finish. I was hitting the ball very nicely today. I wasn't really worried after making bogey on 15. I had strong finish, and that's what I exactly need to have good momentum carrying over next couple days.

It was a good round today.

Q. Did the winds come down a little bit in the afternoon?
DANNY LEE: A little bit. It was still blowing out there, but I wasn't here this morning so I can't tell you it died down or not.

Q. Speaking of momentum, how much of it was carryover from last week. You played well at the Byron Nelson.
DANNY LEE: A lot actually. I know it was a home game, but there was a lot of friends and family cheering for me and I really wanted to do great last weekend, which I did.

I was just struggling whole year just trying to find my game. I think I finally got it. My head is in good place right now. I'm just looking forward to next couple days.

Q. What have you found in your game?
DANNY LEE: Mostly ball striking. I got a little bit lost with my swing, changing swing coach. I got so lost that when I stand over the ball on the tee box, every time it felt like I have no idea where this ball is going.

I went back to see Drew. I think we started working together starting L.A. and we made some great progress over last couple months.

Right now I'm pretty solid.

Q. How come you don't know where the ball was going? You are player.

Q. You are player and you don't know where is the ball going?
DANNY LEE: Sometimes when you try to change too much it's just I guess you lose a little bit of confidence. I guess you lost your trust over the ball.

Q. But you gain some knowledge over the years.
DANNY LEE: Yeah, it's just very sensitive when you're nervous out there. I mean, when you're playing in the tournament obviously you're nervous every time, every time you try to hit a shot.

It's very hard to repeat that motion if you're not used to it during the tournament. It's very hard to use.

Q. When did you and Drew split?
DANNY LEE: We split after the 2016 season finish. I wanted to hit it longer, longer and straighter I guess. Went to see couple different coaches and trying to gain more distance out of it.

It was not the right swing for me, and after being away from Drew for almost five months, I finally learned that what I had was really good for me.

It was a great lesson.

Q. How often do you get a chance it sneak over to Colonial?
DANNY LEE: Not very often, to be honest. Trying to make 40-minute drive out of coming out here, it's tough for me, especially when you're playing a lot of tournaments every year.

When I have a week off, I try to have a week off and not overpractice too much.

Obviously I played great today. Shot 6-under. Ball striking was on pointe today. I wasn't really worrying about hitting one single shot out there.

Felt like I could pull off any shot today. Obviously my putting stats are getting better from a couple months ago, so it's good.

Besides missing three-footer birdie putt on No. 2, I think everything else was good.

Q. Yeah, it was a great day. Low round of the week so far, 64. The birdie putt at 18, it was 27 feet, but looked like you play conservatively because of the water of there, but boy you struck that putt nice.
DANNY LEE: Yeah, I wanted to for the (indiscernible), but the caddie wouldn't let me. I had to aim at the (indiscernible). Perfect shot there.

Just when you get it going, it just felt like you can see the line so nicely. I just had a feeling if I just put this ball on the line where I'm looking, I have a good chance of making it.

That's exactly what I did. Happy to finish with three birdies in a row.

Q. I know you make your home here in the MetroPlex and it gets warm; it was hot today. Did that have any affect on you? Some of they guys were saying fatigue really set in.
DANNY LEE: Probably a little bit. Probably it's not going to affect me today, but it's going to be affecting me a little bit over the weekend I think.

I think I just got to eat and drink a lot.

Q. Talk about Saturday. You've won before the on the PGA TOUR. Excited about the weekend, about the possibilities?
DANNY LEE: Of course I'm very excited. I haven't been in contention for so long. Felt like my game just gone away for a while. I had a great finish last week at the home game, fifth place at Byron Nelson.

That gave me the great motivation to carry these great rounds over. I'm very looking forward to next couple days.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
Rev #1 by #179 at 2017-05-26 23:23:00 GMT

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