DEAN & DELUCA Invitational

Sunday, May 28, 2017

Jon Rahm

Press Conference

Q. Jon, good effort today. 4-under round. Came so close. Thoughts now on a very close finish.
JON RAHM: Well, you know, I felt like -- I mean, I been coming close, you know. Last time I was in contention I wasn't hitting it close enough; today I absolutely stripped the whole back nine.

Starting on 10, putts didn't seem to drop. Lip out on 10, the one on 11 was going dead center, and so on and so on with many other from makable distance.

I mean, I think the other putt that was inside 15 feet was No. 10.

After a great comeback on the front nine, it's just sad, you know, to play I did. Miss the birdie on 17, miss the putt on 15, miss the par on 18. They were all putts that were hit good.

The one on 18 was -- I pulled it. I looked up and I pulled it. The other ones were all good hit. That's what was frustrating. 10, 11, 12, 13, 15, and 16 were putts that I hit where I wanted. I don't know if it was speed or just misread, but they were all really, really close. It's just hard to see obviously.

Kev played amazing. He made the putts. Had a good run on 10, 11, 12, and that's when he took the lead. Even the 3-putt on 16, kept up and made a great par putt on 18 to hold for the win.

So it was well fought, well fought I tried my best. I hope I can make a couple more putts on the back nine next week.

Q. Heck of a run today. How did it go out there?
JON RAHM: Not good enough apparently. Obviously I bit of a shaky start again. First fairway I hit same as yesterday was No. 9, and good enough that I was under par with that.

Not really best start, but it was a great comeback making birdies on 4, 6, and 8. Great iron shots.

Just too bad I couldn't get advantage of a couple other good putts that I had for birdie. I kept hitting good shots. Having putts from 10, 15 feet for birdie on pretty much every hole besides 10 on the back nine is just -- I wish I made a couple more.

Ah, it's just golf. It will sting for a little while, but next week is a new tournament, and, you know, look forward.

Q. What was the read on 18? What did the putt actually do?
JON RAHM: Doesn't matter really. I tried to hit it about half a cup out and I pulled the crap out of it, so I missed it left. I can't tell you how good are not it was.

Q. You said you've learned from every event so far this year. What will you take from this?
JON RAHM: That I can win here. I've heard a lot of people didn't have much faith in my game here, and clearly I proved that I can.

You know, it's been good to learn, because last time I was in this position, Wells Fargo, I didn't hit the shots. Today I certainly hit the shots. I was hitting great iron shots and giving myself opportunities.

Right now after missing the putt ten minutes ago I'm not going to be able to think of something to take from this tournament, but, yeah, it's been a great.

Gave myself another chance. Like I keep saying, 22 year old, first year on tour, I'm not supposed to have this many options to win. Hopefully I can get another one before the year is over.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
Rev #2 by #179 at 2017-05-28 23:52:00 GMT

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