Fort Worth Invitational

Thursday, May 24, 2018

Charley Hoffman

Quick Quotes

Q. Terrific day. Great start. Seven birdies; no bogeys. Talk about your game and also the conditions out there this morning.
CHARLEY HOFFMAN: Yeah, it was a pretty good nine out there. Not much wind. Not blowing more than five and the greens were receptive. If you go the in the fairway you were able to attack.

I think I hit a decent amount of fairways and I hit 17 greens, so I gave myself a lot of opportunities. Very happy with the way I played. Made a few putts, which was nice.

Q. I notice a new putter in the bag. How long has that been in the bag and the reason for the change?
CHARLEY HOFFMAN: Yeah, it's new this week. I had an idea literally on Sunday coming out here that I wanted to have a little more weight to my putter. I went with one that was sort of in my bag of putters at home that I could add some weight here.

Brought it here, added some weight. It's a new experiment that for one day has worked. Hopefully keeps rolling.

Q. Clean card that included seven birdies. What was the key to your consistency today?
CHARLEY HOFFMAN: Hit a decent amount of fairways; hit a bunch of greens. I think 17, 18 greens, which gave me some opportunities to make birdies. I was able to knock in some mid-range putts and played very solid.

Really didn't have an opportunity to make bogey besides one missed green on 17 which I knocked up to about four feet and made that. It was nice, very stress-free round. It was fun to play.

Q. So many players this week have been talking about the specific strategy they use. What kind of approach did you take today?
CHARLEY HOFFMAN: I would say out here is a combo. There are a few holes that a lot of people don't hit driver on that I do hit driver on. There are a few that some guys go after that I lay back on.

So I would say it's a combo for me. Whenever driver feels good I like to hit it. Give myself some opportunities with wedges out here to make some birdies.

Did it pretty well this today, and hopefully continues throughout the week.

Q. What's the key to carrying this momentum into tomorrow's round?
CHARLEY HOFFMAN: Just more of the same. You're not going to hit 17 greens every single day, so just hit some greens, make some putts, and try to keep that card clean as long as I can.

Q. Best round here. What was working today?
CHARLEY HOFFMAN: I did everything fairly well. Hit a decent amount of fairways, and then I was able to capitalize with some birdies because I hit a bunch of greens. I think I hit 17 greens if I counted correctly. Obviously made some putts on those greens.

Opportunities out here are (indiscernible), which I always think are key, and I was able to capitalize.

Q. What's the mindset today? Obviously everyone wants a strong start.
CHARLEY HOFFMAN: I mean, it's just -- first round is not going to win you or lose you the golf tournament. Just got to keep going the way I'm going. Probably not going to hit as many greens tomorrow or the next day.

Try to keep it steady, make a few putts. Nice to have a solid round, take advantage of it, and make seven birdies. Hopefully I keep it going. Fairways are key out here so you can attack this golf course. If I keep doing that, I'm going to hopefully play well on Sunday.

Q. It's not the course record here, but given how hot it's been, do you feel like you did something special?
CHARLEY HOFFMAN: Yeah, it's a good, solid round. The greens always early in the week here at Colonial are a little more receptive than later in the week. Early rounds is where you can attack; I was able to do that.

Like I said, the greens were receptive and I was able to make some birdies. Later in the week you think they're going to firm up a little bit and be more challenging. Happy with where I am.

Q. Anything about your mindset change or business as usual?
CHARLEY HOFFMAN: You know, play hasn't been great but it hasn't been horrible. One of those I feel like I've been close. Just haven't been able to capitalize on a good round like today.

I hadn't changed putters in a long time. Went with a putter change. It seemed like it worked the first round. We got a long season the rest of the year, but it's nice to see a few putts go in today. Hopefully they continue to roll in.

Q. When did you make that decision?
CHARLEY HOFFMAN: I had an idea late Sunday coming out here that I e was going to try something different and see if it worked. Got out here on the putting green and seems like it was a good idea. It's worked so far.

I can't promise anything in weeks to come, but so far so good.

Q. Is it an old one you brought back in?
CHARLEY HOFFMAN: No. I've used the same putter for probably the last five or so years. It's just one that -- I wanted a little heavier putter. It was one I could add some weight to. It worked today. Putting is a fickle part of the game, so hopefully the good mojo continues.

Q. What did you switch to?
CHARLEY HOFFMAN: I don't know the name. It's a Scotty Cameron, heavier Scotty Cameron.

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Rev #1 by #179 at 2018-05-24 18:44:00 GMT

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