Fort Worth Invitational

Thursday, May 24, 2018

Jhonattan Vegas

Quick Quotes

Q. Jhonattan, 5-under, super round of golf. That second nine, that front nine that turned out to your second nine today. Five birdies on it, including four in a row. Good stuff.
JHONATTAN VEGAS: Yeah, definitely. I knew that birdies were out there. You know, obviously the goal was to give ourselves a lot of opportunities. We were able to capitalize on a lot of them on the front nine, my back nine, which was nice.

I mean, this is a tournament, a course that you want to always start up there, because it's definitely tough to catch up around this place. So it's a good start, and happy to be with a 6-under today.

Q. Down that stretch you had a couple of birdie putts inside ten feet. I think you made one long one, one short one. So that means the irons were good, too. What was the one or two things today that really stood out for you?
JHONATTAN VEGAS: Well, obviously my irons were really good today. I mean, pretty much on the first -- my first three par-3s I hit it inside ten feet on each one. I hit a bunch of the shots inside ten feet today. Obviously the greens were a little receptive. Even around some of these small greens you have to hit some really good shots.

If you just have opportunities, the greens are rolling perfect. You know, that's a good formula for the rest of the week.

Q. I know there are a lot of low numbers out here, especially when the winds are down. They talk about technology taking out some of the old golf courses. This is an old one. It seems it stand the test of time.
JHONATTAN VEGAS: It's the right type of golf course. It's really hard to hit it in the fairways. It's really hard, especially when the greens are firm, to get it close to the hole.

Around the greens is tough with this really high bermuda. Obviously we are a little bit lucky the greens are a little softer so we can be a little more aggressive, but it's a courses that makes you think on every single shot. Because you can even be in the fairway and still not have a clear shot to the flag, so it's a course that makes you think.

But with greens being a little more receptive, you can be a little more aggressive.

Q. In at 6-under; quite a round. Tell me, how did this course play and suit you so well out there today?
JHONATTAN VEGAS: Obviously the course is -- this is always a tricky course to play; super narrow; some of the pin positions are really tough.

We were a little lucky. The greens are a little softer. I was just able to hit my irons really well today, give myself good opportunities, which is exactly what you want to do around this place.

Always nice to make a few putts, so that's a good formula for the rest of the week.

Q. All week long players have been talking about what strategy you play. Play for distance or for precision. How would you describe your approach?
JHONATTAN VEGAS: This course is all about precision. There is nothing about power around this place. You can on the fairways, on the wrong side of the fairway, and still not have a clear shot to some of these holes.

It's about thinking your way around this place. Obviously all the past winners are guys that are able to do that really well. We been trying to do it. I mean, I did it well today, so just keep doing that.

Q. Tell me about your round today and what went well out there.
JHONATTAN VEGAS: Obviously this was my best round here at Colonial, which is always nice. Just hit my irons really well today. Feel like I was in control the whole time with my irons, and this is exactly what this place requires. You have to be able to control distances.

We were lucky the greens were a little soft. Really hit my irons well, gave myself a lot of opportunities, and was able to capitalize on a few of them.

You know, really happy with the 64 today.

Q. How good does this feel after the first rounds you've had here the last two years?
JHONATTAN VEGAS: Yeah, especially last year, which I wasn't feeling great and shot somewhere in the 80s. This is a place that I've always liked to come and play. I feel this is one of those stops that I really look forward to doing and playing every year, because the course is that fun.

It's not your typical long, water type of golf course. You have to think your way around this place. I feel this is a great challenge, and I love it coming here. Glad that I finally put a good round in here.

Q. (No microphone.)
JHONATTAN VEGAS: Yes. You know, obviously we're a little lucky that the greens are a little softer, like I said, you know, because some of those holes, when they're really high, some of those pins, it's really hard to get close to them. I was able to hit perfect tee shots and capitalize on good putts.

Q. Obviously everyone knows how hard 5 is, but how hard is 4, the long par-3? Tough green, too.
JHONATTAN VEGAS: Well, I mean, it's a really hard hole. Like I said, we were treated nicely today playing close to 200 yards with greens a little soft and downwind. I hit a really good 7-iron there to ten feet and was able to make one.

Obviously holes, when you know they're coming, you better have your concentration up.

Q. Just playing better here than in the past or anything different about your approach?
JHONATTAN VEGAS: Well, obviously you got to think your way around this place a little bit better. I would say in the past obviously trying to be a little too aggressive and putting myself in tough situations around this place. You can really make yourself a long day here.

Today just kind of took it simple. I was bale to hit my irons really well. That really helped. Hit it into ten feet a bunch of times and was able to capitalize on that.

Q. Much better mindset going into round two this time than the last couple years?
JHONATTAN VEGAS: Yeah, obviously my mind frame is always there. It's always lucky is a good mode. Just got to keep doing what I been doing, and hopefully work out the same way as today.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
Rev #1 by #179 at 2018-05-24 19:03:00 GMT

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