Fort Worth Invitational

Thursday, May 24, 2018

Shawn Stefani

Quick Quotes

Q. Super round. I have to say, John Rollins is our analyst this week. You teamed up with him at Zürich. He's really taking credit for your good play. What do you have to say about that?
SHAWN STEFANI: You know, I do. I've got give John all the credit. He's such an inspiration to me. He's always got so much positive energy. Just being around him just makes me play better.

Yeah, John, it's all you buddy. I've got to give you all the credit.

Q. Well, it was a great round today. Six birdies, two bogeys. I know you're walking around with that wet towel around your neck. Talk about your round this morning and also about the conditions out here at Colonial.
SHAWN STEFANI: Yeah, I played solid today. Just stayed patient out there, because the golf course really isn't -- there is not a lot of trouble, but you can get yourself into some tough situations.

I just managed my game really well. Struck the ball very nicely. Left the ball in the right spots. From there, was able to make a few putts.

So it was a good day. I played very solid. I love it here. It's Texas. I'm from Texas. It's Colonial. It's a great golf course. I've always loved it here. Snuck in on Monday as an alternate.

Like I said I'm just glad to be here.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
Rev #1 by #179 at 2018-05-24 19:07:00 GMT

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