Fort Worth Invitational

Friday, May 25, 2018

Brooks Kopeka

Quick Quotes

Q. Really super round of golf today: 7-under par. In fact, you were 7-under after 11 holes. Your thoughts on how it went out there for you.
BROOKS KOEPKA: I played pretty solid. I made some putts early which kind of opened the door. Felt like I was stroking it really well yesterday. I mean, I stroked it really well yesterday, too. Just nothing kind of went in. I don't know if it had to do a little bit with speed. They kind of all missed on the low side.

Tried to be a little bit more aggressive with the putter today, but I'm very pleased with the way I played.

Q. Including the hole-out at 14 from off the green. Talk about the putting. Some type of adjustment, or just got in a groove?
BROOKS KOEPKA: No, these greens aren't fast by any means. They're a little bit slow for I guess tour speed and even being home and practicing they're a touch slow.

I mean, I love fast greens. You barely just got to hit it and just get it started. Just had to be a little more aggressive. I felt like they were all tap-ins yesterday instead of hitting it two, three feet by. That's kind of more my style, being a little bit more of an aggressive putter. Just made that adjustment this morning.

Q. Now, you were 3-over with five holes to go in the first round; 10-under since. What, did you give yourself a pep talk? What changed?
BROOKS KOEPKA: It doesn't matter to me. I could care less. I'm still going to try as hard as I can. I don't care how many over or how many under I am. Still going to fight through it.

To be honest with you, we were playing well yesterday. Felt like we had some bad breaks. Didn't make any putts. I felt like we were playing well, it's just the score didn't really reflect it.

Q. (Regarding wrist.)
BROOKS KOEPKA: No, do a lot of icing. Do a lot of everything we can do. We had a bone pop out of place. I didn't tell anybody, but, yeah, they popped it back in.

Ice every night, a lot of rest. Taking care of it, but, I mean, doing some stuff in the gym for it too trying to get it moving a little bit. Luckily enough we kind of popped it back into place right away so it wasn't stiff and I didn't have too, too many problems.

It's behind me now.

Q. So you're good now?
BROOKS KOEPKA: Yeah. I mean, I've dislocated my wrist twice in the last two months. You know, different spots, but, I mean, it's fun. I'll be all right.

Q. So 7-under through 11 holes. You feel like you left some out there or you feel good about the round as a whole?
BROOKS KOEPKA: Feel okay. Feel like there was definitely quite a few more out there, especially yesterday. Today I probably could have snuck about two, three more.

But, you know, I'm pleased. If you would've told me I was going to shoot 7-under before I tee'd off, I would've taken it.

Q. Trying to get a little momentum going into the U.S. Open this week and the next couple weeks?
BROOKS KOEPKA: Yeah, I feel like I've been playing well. I just haven't put four days together. I've been really close, one day the putter is a little cold, one day ball-striking might not be that great.

But I feel like it's trending in the right direction. I actually feel like exactly where I was last year at the same time. Feel like I was playing great. Sometimes the scores weren't really reflecting it, but hopefully in a couple weeks' time it'll be the same result.

Q. (Indiscernible.)
BROOKS KOEPKA: No. I mean, I was hydrating all night. I think having a late/early you feel like you're always kind of catching up. I mean, I must have drank seven bottles of water last night just trying to make sure I was hydrated for today. Out of the golf course I feel like you just drink on every hole.

But living in Florida, summertime, it is what it is. You have this all the time, so it's not too big of a deal.

Q. Mindset going into the weekend? (Indiscernible.)
BROOKS KOEPKA: You know, be nice. Obviously get to -- not going to relax, to be honest with you. Go to the gym, but it'll be go to the gym, relax, take it easy for a little bit, hydrate, get everything ready for tomorrow.

Feel like we've got a good game plan on this golf course. We're executing quite well. It's something that's been coming. I feel like we're ready to win.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
Rev #1 by #179 at 2018-05-25 18:42:00 GMT

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