Fort Worth Invitational

Friday, May 25, 2018

Bruson Dechambeau

Quick Quotes

Q. I thought that was just a solid, steady, well-played round of golf today. I know you want that one back at 18.

Q. Your thoughts on how you played today?
BRYSON DECHAMBEAU: I played great, considering on Wednesday afternoon I had nothing. My game was kind of in shambles actually. I was working on some stuff and didn't go through last week.

Came here and was struggling beginning of the week. I was super scared for the week actually, to be honest with you. But Wednesday afternoon I went through my whole systems and checklist and got -- I went through it twice actually, and finally found one of the things I was missing and was able to kind of right the ship.

And then I had my C game yesterday and was lucky nerve to shoot 2-under par, which is great.

Today coming in I felt really good with the ball striking. I was missing it straight, which is always a positive sign for me. That's what I've designed my golf swing to do.

Fortunately I was able to do that and play some really great golf. The wind was treacherous out there today. It was switching everywhere. Got cooler, which was nice, but I'd rather have the hotness and no wind.

Q. I was going to say, right about 6 or 7 we were out there with you guys. Got cloudy. Winds kicked up. I am watching you try to hit shots into 8, the par-3, and the wind was howling.

Q. How difficult was this place once it kicked up?
BRYSON DECHAMBEAU: It's a totally different golf course. I don't know what the stroke average was this morning compared to this afternoon, but it's got be at least two shots higher. At least.

It's disappointing that sometimes that's the weather and you can't do anything about it. We're all given different situations, and fortunately for me and us out there we were at least able to make the cut and have a chance this weekend.

Q. You found something out here. The first couple times you played in this event couldn't break 70, and now two rounds under 70.
BRYSON DECHAMBEAU: Yeah, well I think it's just the difference in the game considering the past couple years I was a different player. This year I've started to play some great golf and consistently play some great golf.

I am able to hit a lot more shots more consistently in different winds. That's nice being able to have that in my repertoire and kind of throw out what happened to me the past couple years and go forward and hit some fairways and make some more putts, too.

Q. Quick comments about your round today.
BRYSON DECHAMBEAU: I played really solid. Felt like I had my B Game out there. Always nice to shoot 3-under on a golf course like this when you got your B Game.

I've been playing some great golf this year and I was looking forward to another great week. I've given myself a chance on the weekend. Unfortunately the wind kind of deterred us from getting up to 10-under where Justin Rose is.

But at the same point in time, still have another chance this weekend.

Q. What's the mindset going into the weekend?
BRYSON DECHAMBEAU: Look, there are a lot of holes out here where par is a great score. You just have to take advantage of the easy holes. Par-5s you got to make birdie and the short par 4s you got to make birdie and you got to wedge it close.

That's one thing I am going to do is go practice my wedging, go practice my putting a little bit. It was unfortunate on the last hole. I thought I read it right; it looked right.

I hit what I thought was a pretty solid putt and it literally just bounced and went straight offline.

There is nothing you can do, especially on bent greens, late in the day, a little bumpy. But I played well overall.

Q. You talked about putting. You talked about making pars. What did you think about that 40-plus0foot birdie on 13?
BRYSON DECHAMBEAU: Well that's just -- that's -- oh, man, something happened.

Look, when a 40-footer goes in it's kind of luck. To have it go in on that hole where there was a huge crowd made it even better. That was definitely a lot of fun. Got me going.

But unfortunately, shoot, I 3-putted the next so it kind of brought me right back down. So that was unfortunate.

Again, still overall a great day. Great day of putting. Still positive I think in strokes gained, which is always a good thing for me because I can I ball strike it well enough.

Q. You talk about how great you played this year. Are you the classic case of there are a lot of different ways to play this game and be successful?
BRYSON DECHAMBEAU: Look, everybody does it uniquely if you think about it. Not one other person plays the same exact type of game. We all have different feelings, different neurological impulses that are unique to each player.

In that facet, yes, we're all different. We're all going to play in unique ways. I just look a little different than most.

Q. For our casual golf fans in Fort Worth, can you just Cliff's Notes version of your philosophy in how you go about the game?
BRYSON DECHAMBEAU: I hit a white ball into the middle of the fairway, I hit a white ball onto the green, and make a putt.

That's the easiest way I can put it.

I mean, look, it's more of a scientific way of playing the game. I take averages and statistics to my heart, and then also I take biomechanics to my heart as well. That's more importantly where I am going down, and trying to understand how everything in my body is working to create more and more consistency through impact.

Q. You put yourself in a lot of great positions this year. Is there one thing you feel like is missing that is going to put you over the edge this week?
BRYSON DECHAMBEAU: I think hitting shots out of the rough needs to get better. That's a huge deal for us that we're still working on. Spin rates aren't right. So that's a work in progress.

Also the wedges. Sometimes those wedges don't come off perfectly. It's because of my angle of attack, turf conditions, and also maybe having a ball that connects with the face a little bit better.

With that long of a club and that much loft, there is sometimes going to be some shots where it rises up the face a little bit more than most.

So we're working on that, and that's going to be fixed also in the next year at latest hopefully. If not even this year. That would be great.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
Rev #1 by #179 at 2018-05-25 23:24:00 GMT

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