Fort Worth Invitational

Friday, May 25, 2018

Jordan Spieth

Quick Quotes

Q. (Regarding 18.)
JORDAN SPIETH: Yeah, I mean, I felt like 12 through 17 I was a little bummed to walk through playing those holes over par. Really felt like I played them well.

Whether it was lip-outs or hanging on the edge or wind gusts, it was like everything to kind of not quite allow myself to get two, three birdies there.

So on 18 to kind of play that flier and have it actually go exactly where kind of the max distance was, that was a bonus. Felt like I stole one on 18 for sure.

Q. Was it a wind gust that got you on 13?

Q. Yeah.
JORDAN SPIETH: Oh, no. I putted right edge. I hit a great putt and it dove off the hole. I mean, it was a wicked breaker from about four feet.

I didn't really want to go outside the hole given the win was kind of in and stopping in, then in then stopping. It'll affect that putt by almost half a cup depending on which gusts.

I hit a great putt there that missed. I walked off the hole a little bummed that it broke that much, but there was nothing more I could have done.

Q. Did you use your full ten seconds to think or...
JORDAN SPIETH: Yeah, it was -- I've hit putts onto the lips that stay there before, but that one teased me. That one started to dip in and then dipped back out. It was like saying, No, no. Not yet. We're not going to start dropping for you yet. It was one of those.

Putter starting to look better, feel better every day. It's been progress. I'm starting to kind of see my lines and get over it and felt a little more comfortable. So those will start to go. I made one on ten which is the longest putt I think I've made since the Masters.

Just seeing one go in there was nice and kind of added a bit of belief.

Then 12 took it away for a minute.

Q. Were you talking to the ball at 12 or staring at it? Were you saying something to it?
JORDAN SPIETH: No. I mean, if I would've been able to yell to get it to drop I would've. The wind was blowing that direction, too. I'm thinking, Man, if it just picks up just a little bit this thing will tip in.

Yeah, it was somewhere around ten seconds.

Q. Did you purposely put your shadow on it?
JORDAN SPIETH: Yeah, that's the old country club trick. I've never seen it to actually work, but I figure it couldn't hurt.

I did get around there, put the shadow on it, and I just tried to look down at it to see if it was actually moving. You can't hit it while it's moving. Sometimes they're just kind of tilting, and even if they don't end up going you got to wait until they stop. That was the idea there.

Q. (Indiscernible.)

Q. What was that experience like for you?
JORDAN SPIETH: Absolutely. We were able, from my family foundation, to give them grants to kind of help make things a little bit easier.

But they were awesome. They had a fantastic day. Went through the Titleist trailer. They had a whole goody gag of stuff from the membership here to our guys, our sponsors just kind of took them through the whole tour.

It was cool to get to meet them. I know they both are in positive spirits. Had about six months left I think of chemo, both of them, but have been through a lot and kind of persevered. Obviously puts thing in perspective.

Yeah, it was a powerful experience for sure.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
Rev #1 by #179 at 2018-05-25 23:35:00 GMT

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