Fort Worth Invitational

Friday, May 25, 2018

Emiliano Grillo

Quick Quotes

Q. Comments about your round today and how it went out there.
EMILIANO GRILLO: It got get very tough on hole 15. The winds just completely switched and we had to adapt to a whole new golf course in there.

18 was playing very hard. I was able to get away with a 5 there. Very unlucky bogey on the 1st hole, and then I was just able to play solid golf again from there on.

Q. What happened on 18? Someone pick up your ball from the hazard?
EMILIANO GRILLO: No. It went in the hazard and then, you know, that (indiscernible) it's a little bit on the downslope and it's all concrete, so the ball was rolling. It got all the way back, so it went back 250 yards. I was able to drop (indiscernible).

Q. What's it like on that roll of bogey, birdie, bogey, birdie?
EMILIANO GRILLO: Like I said, it was playing very hard. I was able to make some birdies in there. It was very good. I got very unlucky on the 1st and hole No. 3 there. It was a good bogey on 3 I guess.

And then like I say, I was able to play solid after that. I missed a good opportunity there on the stretch, on the last six holes.

Q. You're leading in putting. Anything you feel like is going well with your putting? Did you change anything?
EMILIANO GRILLO: No. It's been like that for the last six months. Made some changes six months ago and it really worked, and I been putting very well since then.

This is another week of those where the greens out here are perfect. Just a little bit bumpy from the afternoon to today. Tomorrow with less players it's going to be perfect again.

Q. New putter? New coach?
EMILIANO GRILLO: No. Started working with a new coach in general back in September, and he advised me to shoot like left-hand lower.

You know, back then Jordan Spieth was the best putter in the world and he putted left hand lower, so why not?

Q. What's been the key to your overall consistency week in and week out?
EMILIANO GRILLO: Just good practice. Just good practice and do what I know to do, what I know -- I know how to play golf. It was just that. Just confidence and making some putts. I been making some putts for the last six months and that's been key.

Q. Tied for third in Houston. Anything particularly about Texas that you enjoy playing?
EMILIANO GRILLO: I don't know. This is completely different to Houston. Completely different golf course. More tree lined, more grainy, and over there it's more open.

I don't know. Maybe I can do one better in Texas or two better in Texas.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
Rev #1 by #179 at 2018-05-25 23:45:00 GMT

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