Fort Worth Invitational

Saturday, May 26, 2018

Louis Oosthuizen

Quick Quotes

Q. Louis, what a strong finish. That 18th hole has given up a lot of birdies today, and you stuck it in there from 100 yards.
LOUIS OOSTHUIZEN: Yeah, I normally hit 4-wood off that tee, and today sort of felt a little bit better with the driver. Got in really close.

I remember a few years back -- I'm not sure when it was -- actually I'll get second shot, sort of similar feelings standing over it. Pitch it long right, let it spin down.

Yeah, I had a good shot and good day.

Q. You had 10 fairways, 13 greens, and 4 or 5 scramblers.
LOUIS OOSTHUIZEN: Yeah, you know, still a little upset I missed an 8-footer for par on 6; just misread it.

You know, I'm hitting a lot of irons and 4-woods off the tee, so don't really go to the driver all the time. I think this golf course allows you to do that.

But, you know, still a few swings I'm working on, and need to get everything sorted before U.S. Open.

Q. Seeing a lot of low scores today. The greens apparently are still receptive.
LOUIS OOSTHUIZEN: Yeah, they're a little quicker than they were yesterday. But, yeah, you get a lot spin so you can attack them. They're pure.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
Rev #1 by #179 at 2018-05-26 18:59:00 GMT

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