Fort Worth Invitational

Sunday, May 27, 2018

Jordan Spieth

Quick Quotes

Q. Jordan, beautiful wedge, beautiful birdie to finish off the tournament, but I'm sure this week also had its moments of frustration for you.
JORDAN SPIETH: Yeah, sure. This is a course I've had a lot of success at, but I made progress this week. Each week is getting a little better. I knew starting the year out that it was going to take a little time. I'm being patient with it.

I think good things are about to come. I feel a good run coming for the second half of the season. Today was -- each day I've felt better and better with the wedges and the putter and the short game; today was no different. My only bogey being just kind of trying to do too much on a par-5; 3-wood into the hazard.

So, you know, I'm getting into where I'm not making bogeys, and then soon -- the not making bogeys is great, and soon I'll get back to the five, six birdies around and shoot some low rounds.

So I know it's right around the corner.

Q. Ten years ago did you think there would be hundreds and maybe even thousands of little kids attending golf tournaments screaming your name and asking for autographs?
JORDAN SPIETH: No. I was one of those kids ten years ago. It's really cool. It was a great showing these last couple weeks by the fans. Obviously extremely appreciative here in DFW. Wish I could do more. These couple weeks can be a bit taxing, and it's awesome to kind of have that support to carry you through.

So, you know, I had a great time these couple weeks on and off the golf course as I always do, but I'm also really excited to kind of get out of town and kind of be able to just go back to the room and have nothing to do at night except for get ready to play the next day.

So I'm excited to get there next week. I don't -- yeah. Pretty much.

Q. What did you find in your game this week?
JORDAN SPIETH: My putting stance is getting very similar to where it was in '15 and '16. I'm not as kind of hunched and flailed with arms and stuff. I'm working hard on kind of copying my routine and setup from back then.

I was able to get into it today and stroke some solid putts from it. Now it's just about the last part of that, which is I can get into the stance, now it's about getting that right on the right line and just kind of feeling the speed from there.

So next week is a course that has greens similar to Augusta in that you have to be very feel oriented. There is not a lot of technicalities to it. A lot of big breakers, very fast greens, so I think that can only help me at this point.

And Shinnecock will be the same way.

So yeah, a lot of progress on the greens, and then ball striking-wise maintained a really kind of solid striking session tee-to-green each of the last three weeks. So I'll just keep on doing what I've been doing.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
Rev #1 by #179 at 2018-05-27 18:30:00 GMT

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